For one day only, we’ll be talking about the shocking interview UFO whistleblower David Grusch just did!

First of all, I promise I’ll tie this all into screenwriting by the end of the post. But before we get to that, I want to talk about these latest UFO allegations that have hit the news in detail because I know a lot of people don’t believe in UFOs or aliens. I’m not here to convince you that they exist. But I do want to make the case that this latest allegation, which claims that the U.S. is in possession of at least a dozen non-human craft, is a bigger deal than what we’ve seen in the past.

To be fair, it does feel like every five years, some big UFO news comes out, and us UFO fanatics are excited because we’re finally going to get the answers we’re looking for, only for no evidence to emerge, the government to poo-poo the sighting, and the media to quickly move on.

There was the release of these “Go Fast” and “Gimbal” UFO videos several years back, both of which were confirmed by the government to be UFOs. However, because the videos are so shoddy, it’s not convincing enough to be confirmed as the real thing.

You had the Stephensville, Texas sightings in 2008. Many people saying they saw a giant craft. You had the famous Phoenix Lights case, with an enormous craft that hovered over Phoenix in 1997, which the mayor, Fife Symington, would later admit he saw and believed was an alien craft.

Before Phoenix, you had the controversial Bob Lazar story, where Lazar said that he worked at Area 51 where they had, in their possession, alien craft, which they were trying to back-engineer.  Lazar is the one who put Area 51 on the map for the general populace.

You had the 1980s Hudson Valley flap, with UFOs ripping through the area over a series of several years and numerous people claiming they’d seen these ships. Not just lights. Actual ships. And if you go back even further, you have the grandaddy of them all, Roswell.

Now, the reason Roswell (as well as Bob Lazar’s story) is so significant today is because this newest news has a whistleblower named David Grusch, who is verified to have a high level ranking inside the government that allows him access to 200 classified programs, and by talking to a lot of the high-ranking officers in these circles, he’s found that there’s a secret program that has possession of a dozen (or more) UFOs which they are trying to back-engineer.

Some of them have crashed. Some of them have been abandoned. But they’ve been able to get a new one once every 10 years or so.  Funny enough, the first retrieved UFO was not at Roswell, but actually in Italy in 1933.  Mussolini even talked about it with the Pope (documented in the linked article). The Pope fell out with Mussolini during the war and would eventually reveal the UFO to the U.S., which is how the US became aware of it and would end up snatching it up after the war.

Now all of this sounds crazy to people outside of the UFO community. But those who, like me, have been following this topic forever, know that there’s been a ton of smoke around these retrieved craft forever now. It’s almost an open secret at this point.

The reason Grusch’s claim is different from all the UFO stories from the past is because he’s a very well-respected member of the government who a lot of people vouch for. Also, the media has meticulously verified every single job position he claims to have had within the government.

One of the ways that the government and media were so easily able to dismiss Bob Lazar’s story (which is now starting to look true – the Roswell craft is one of the craft that Grusch says the US has in their possession) is that Lazar couldn’t prove that he worked for the government. David Grusch has enough documented proof of his employment to fill a warehouse.

Another major factor here is that the US has just recently put into practice a whistleblower law that allows government officials to finally talk about this stuff without going to prison. This is why Grusch has come forward. And it’s why other whistleblowers with even more information are going to come forward as well in the coming months.

I’m aware of what the skeptics are thinking.

Okay, great. But, where’s the evidence? Where are the pictures? Where is the video? Why is every picture that’s ever been taken of a UFO blurry?

This is a complicated question so I want to tackle it with a certain level of nuance. I’m 90% sure UFOs are real and aliens are here. That 10% that’s holding me back are the questions I just asked above. It definitely feels convenient that all the pictures that have ever been taken of UFOs are just out of reach.

When I get too deep into this stuff, I think about the topic of ghosts. I don’t believe in ghosts. When I see all these TV shows and videos and pictures that purport to show ghosts, I’m aggressively dismissive. Yet, for some reason, I don’t put as much emphasis on the burden of proof for UFOs as I do ghosts. I think it’s because I just believe, in my heart, that UFOs are real. But clearly I’m not treating the two topics equally, which implies that I’m looking at the UFO topic through belief-colored glasses.

But getting back to the photographic evidence question. Part of this answer is obvious. UFOs are almost always seen at night. And you’re never going to get a good picture of anything at night that’s more than 200 feet above you. Try and take a picture of a helicopter flying overhead at night. It’s blurry. It’s tiny. It’s unclear. At the very least, you’re not going to get a sharp enough image of a craft that’s going to convince anyone that it’s a UFO.

With that said, there are a lot of sightings that have happened during the day. Why haven’t any of these supposed sightings resulted in pictures? I want you to listen to a phone call of a guy in 1967 calling in to what was, at the time, a national UFO hotline that was set up for anyone wanting to report a UFO sighting.

This guy calls and frantically talks for 15 minutes about these UFO sightings that he had over the course of three days. And the operator gets noticeably agitated at the end and says, “Well, wait a minute here. You didn’t take ONE SINGLE picture in all that time?” At one point, there was a giant craft directly over the caller’s house in the middle of the day.  Why not take a picture then?

To the caller’s credit, he shares the operator’s frustration. He wished he would’ve taken pictures! He seems almost confused as to why he didn’t get pictures. And I’ve found this to be a very common response from the thousands of people who have had these same sightings. When they’re asked about pictures, they seem baffled or confused. They don’t seem to know why they didn’t take pictures.

Now, if you think every one of these 30,000 – 50,000 people who had sightings are lying about what they saw and that’s why they don’t have pictures, that’s fine. Just listening to the authenticity in this man’s story alone, I’m convinced he saw the things he said he saw. But I understand if that’s where the conversation ends for you. I would respond the same way if this was a post about ghosts.

But I personally think that something’s stopping these people from taking the picture – or thinking to take the picture. Many of these stories about people getting up close to these craft or actually seeing the aliens, talk about being frozen, being unable to move. So these things seem to have some sort of control over you. Could they be preventing people from taking these pictures? I know it sounds crazy but if these things are 100 or 500 or 1000 years ahead of us technologically, that’d probably be something fairly easy to do.

What I’m hoping is going to happen with this latest round of whistleblowers is that it’s going to cause a wave. And, unlike in the past, the government and the media aren’t going to be able to sweep that wave under the rug. There hasn’t yet been a gigantic UFO story in the age of big social media. Maybe the uproar is so intense and so constant that they’re going to have to finally give us something. I don’t think they’ll give us everything. But I think they’ll give us something.

Now, I promised to tie this back into screenwriting. So here we go. I thought it would be fun for the Scriptshadow community to come up with the ultimate alien or UFO movie concept. That concept would then be for everyone here. Assuming we made it good enough that people would actually want to write a movie from it, it would be an “open source” movie concept. Anyone could take it and run.

The way we do this is I’ll give you a starting point concept, which I’ve already shared on the site before, and we can build on it. OR, you guys could come up with something better and we could build off that concept. I have no ego here. It’s been a long time since anyone has come up with a cool UFO or alien concept. So I just want to find one!

I will gladly jump into the comments and participate in helping guide our “ultimate alien idea” into the perfect alien/ufo concept. None of us should have any ego here. Tell someone if an idea isn’t any good. But also try and make it better. Or come up with a better concept yourself.  Upvote those who are coming up with the best concepts so we know which loglines to focus our efforts on.

I’ve found that creating a concept is a lot easier (and more fun) with a bunch of people. So, here’s my original idea… which, ironically, after today, is starting to look like non-fiction. Improve on it. Tear it apart. Use it as inspiration to come up with a cooler idea. Anything goes!

A disgraced airline pilot turned plane crash investigator is hired by a mysterious outfit to investigate a recent crash in a remote part of Siberia, only to learn, when he gets there, that the crashed vehicle is alien.