amateur offerings weekend

Hope everyone’s enjoying their weekend. Just one week away from the 250! Writers who made it into the coveted top quarter-thousand will be notified by the end of next Saturday. In order to distract you from that looming announcement, here are some amateur script entries to get your bloody analytical hooks into. As always, let’s find something good! Scriptshadow points to the first person who guesses my favorite logline of the pack (if you’ve been a longtime Scriptshadow reader, this should be easy). I’ll reply to the winner. :)

Title: She Wants to Have My Babies
Genre: Rom-Com
Logline: A perfect couple’s relationship becomes a rollercoaster when she wants a baby and he flat-out refuses to start a family.
Why You Should Read: The baby conflict. Now who doesn’t know a couple that struggle(s/d) with this issue? You – yes you – who answered “me”, go back to your cave. Now you, in-touch people, do you think such an emotional topic can be dealt with humorously considering the stakes? No, don’t answer. Can’t you recognize a rhetorical question when you see one? Now after you read “She Wants to Have my Babies”, and only then, will you be allowed to answer my question based on your experience of the read. You will be welcome to in fact. I know, I’m a prince.

Title: Shotgun Wedding
Genre: Action / Comedy
Premise: A timid guy from a small town gets cold feet on the eve of his wedding and incurs the wrath of his bride’s unhinged religious family.
Details: 91 pages
Why You Should Read: I love fun, quirky movies with plenty of silly jokes and cool action scenes, and Shotgun Wedding is chock full of both! It’s tone and sense of humor has been compared to films like Raising Arizona and Hot Fuzz. It’s a light, entertaining read and would definitely be a crowd pleaser on the big screen. Thank you for your consideration and I hope you enjoy my script.

Title: Game of 72
Genre: Sci-fi
Logline: In a future where robots run grisly human-fighting rings for sport, any human who survives 72 matches is given 72 minutes to win their freedom–or die.
Why You Should Read: I moved to Los Angeles to specifically pursue a career in waiting tables. I was originally gonna write a biopic about Nikola Tesla’s chef, but figured this would be more interesting. This script has such a big fat concept, that when it took a selfie, Instagram crashed. Do not read it if you hate: space, hyper loops, nihilism, invisible architecture, and futuristic theories. FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m an alien that’s trying to blend in with everyone.

Title: #uCantMakeThisUP
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Logline: After a sour exchange online, a military wife must protect herself and her daughter from an anonymous poster’s offline threats.
Why You Should Read: I wanted to explore a section in horror without the supernatural bent, thus UCMTU was born. I’d pitch it as a character-driven piece that’s grounded in realism. I believe it checks off the list of things needed to sale: Female Protag; Thriller; Present-Time; and Few Locations (HELLO BLUMHOUSE!!!). Any feedback to help strengthen the script is appreciated.
Similar films: Catfish, Unfriended, Ex Machina.

Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Logline: Two military veterans with PTSD scan an abandoned war zone for technology that will remove their war experiences. But other forces are at play…
Details: 108 pages
Why You Should Read: I’ve been destined since I was in elementary school to write screenplays. It was a combination of watching kung-fu flicks with my grandfather, and writing 90 paged graphic novels that were side-sequels to the movie “Twister.” Since studying screenwriting in college, I’ve been hammering away at the craft for almost ten years now, and 24 scripts later I can say I’m closer than ever to finding my voice, and the feedback has been consistently good. I’ll be taking a trip to LA soon to meet film industry friends, and feedback from scriptshadow will certainly let me know what I need to get to the next level. I hope you’ll find something to enjoy here! Love the site.