Welcome.  Come one, come all.  Take a look around.  Click on the toolbar up above.  Play.  Dance.  Be merry.

The truth is this site was supposed to be up weeks ago but I’m starting to realize that WordPress is a feisty little bugger.  Whatever you tell it to do, it doesn’t want to do, and when it does do, it usually does it wrong.  Unfortunately, that means bigger problems have needed to take precedence, and some of the smaller things aren’t in place yet.  The links don’t all work yet.  The “About” section doesn’t have my…”Abouty” stuff.  But we’ll get there in time.  So hang with me.

Also, I’ve noticed that the commenting situation is not clean yet.  If your comments don’t post, don’t freak out.  I’m going to try and get the comments moving as fast as I can.  But in the meantime, enjoy the new site!  Special thanks to my assistant, Sveta, my web designers, Dustin and Zoe, and my graphic design guy, Brian, who developed the neat look of the new site (you can also get him to make a poster for you on the CONCEPT ARTISTS page – he’s worth it!).  And, of course, thanks to ALL OF YOU for being fans and contributors of the site and inspiring me to go to these lengths of creating a new site.  You guys are what keep me going. :)

Hang with me while I try to figure this damn WordPress thing out (I’ve literally spent the last hour trying to post a picture in my latest post.  A PICTURE.  Yet WordPress doesn’t like when you say, “Add Picture”).  Argh!!!