
Genre: Drama Premise: A divorced mother must protect her drug-addicted daughter after she does something horrible to her abusive boyfriend. About: This script was purchased by Black Bicycle Entertainment, who will produce with Scott Free (Ridley Scott). This team is also producing another Ingelsby script, The Burning Woman, which stars Anne Hathaway. Ingelsby is probably […]
There are no movies coming out this weekend. You know it to be true. Which means one thing. IT’S TIME TO READ SOME SCRIPTS! Will we find the next Das Chimp out of this weekend’s entries? Or the next Orbital (that’s an old-school Scriptshadow joke there)? How to play: Read as much of each script […]
The winner of last week’s heated Amateur Offerings showdown finally gets its moment in the sun. But as every great tennis playing chimp knows, the sun gets awful hot without sunscreen. Genre: Monkey Tennis Premise: After a tragic tennis accident, a failed tennis pro seeks redemption by coaching a talented chimp and entering him in […]
So the other day I FINALLY decided to watch “Atlanta,” the show from Community alum Donald Glover that had gone on to win a Golden Globe for Best Television Show, a Writers Guild Award for best Comedy Series, and was nominated for an Emmy in writing. Personally, I thought it looked pretentious and unfocused, so […]
Hey guys, I’m out of the office today. But I wanted to leave you with a tip that you can apply to any script on your hard drive RIGHT NOW. The tip came about after reading a few amateur scripts this week and noticing a number of bad dialogue scenes where the writers were making […]