Genre: Thriller Premise: A man wakes up on his wedding day with a text that simply says, “Run,” and what follows is 8 straight hours of people trying to kill him. About: Another HUGE short story sale. This one sold to Universal. Sam Hargrave (Extraction) will be directing. This is writer Aaron Jayh’s second sale […]
It is that time of year. A time of joy. A time of hope. A time of roasting second-rate loglines. Oh, I kid. We all know, at this point, that managers who have never written a logline in their lives are responsible for the majority of the loglines we see on the Black List. My […]
Frankenstein meets Forest Gump meets Flowers for Algernon meets The Island of Doctor Moreau meets Wes Anderson meets 50 Shades of Gray Genre: Drama/Fantastical Premise: A crazy old doctor performs an unthinkable experiment on a young woman and charts her progress as she opens up to a new world of sexuality that she embraces with […]
Genre: Thriller Winning Logline: An emotionally fragile executive failing to live up to his potential in life hires a mysterious personal development coach whose unorthodox, life-threatening tactics push him to the brink of death. About: This logline took on a competitive bunch this weekend and, in a hard fought battle, came out on top, pulling […]
Scriptshadow here to interrupt your regularly scheduled writing time. I’ve been reading a ton of scripts lately. Usually two a day. What happens when you read that many scripts that close together is you become more in tune with PATTERNS. You start to see the similar mistakes writers are making. This is great for you […]