
TITLE: Watching Over Remie GENRE: Psychological thriller LOGLINE: A seemingly contented housewife slowly becomes obsessed with the idea of protecting her five-year-old daughter from possible harm, eventually turning to violent and psychotic measures to keep her safe. WHY YOU SHOULD READ: What do you get when you combine the best of French thrillers with a […]
Get Your Script Reviewed On Scriptshadow!: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, along with the title, genre, logline, and finally, something interesting about yourself and/or your script that you’d like us to post along with the script if reviewed. Use my submission address please: Remember […]
Well, you asked for it so here it is!  I’ve had my Top 25 scripts over on the right-hand panel there forever.  But we’ve finally had enough Amateur Friday reviews (over 100) to create a Top 10 Amateur Scripts List!  We need to celebrate you guys who have done what many consider impossible – impress […]
Genre: Adventure Premise: An archeologist who moonlights as an adventurer goes on a quest to find one of the most important religious relics in history, the Ark of the Covenant. About: This is the first draft of Raiders of the Lost Ark, written by a young Lawrence Kasdan. Kasdan wrote the draft off of 100 […]
Genre: Procedural Premise: One of the top lawyers in the country is also a professor who recruits her law students to help her win cases. About: The new show coming this fall from TV mogul Shonda Rhimes. After going to film school, Rhimes was able to put together a short film in 1998 that starred […]