
Genre: Drama Premise: (from Black List) Behind the walls of a maximum security prison, a naive teenage inmate and a rookie correctional officer are forced into a drug- smuggling operation, while a looming conflict between rival gang members threatens to boil over. About: Today’s script finished number 8 on the 2017 Black List. The Danish […]
Today I review the flashiest book sale of last year, which should make for one of the best movies of next year. Genre: Drama/Mystery Premise: In one of the United States’ most shocking untold stories, Killers of the Flower Moon covers the systematic murders of the Osage Indians, who were once the richest people, per […]
You’re baaaaaaaa-aaaaack. Miss yourselves? It’s time for your favorite screenplay Battle Royale. AMATEURRRRR OFFFFERRRRINGS! Five scripts enter. One script leaves. Okay, sometimes two scripts leave, but let’s not get technical here. You know how this works. Read as much of each script as you can, vote for your favorite in the comments section, and, if […]
I’ve never forgotten the story M. Night told about how he didn’t know until the 5th draft of The Sixth Sense that Bruce Willis’s character was dead. Before that it was just a movie about a kid who saw dead people in paintings or something. It makes you think, what if M. Night would’ve stopped […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: He’s considered by many to be the most popular serial killer of all time. This is his story. Or his version of it. About: Today’s script landed on the 2012 Black List AS WELL as winning the Nicholl Fellowship that year. Zac Efron is starring. He’ll be joined by suddenly hot again […]