Genre: Mystery-Thriller Premise: When a group of boys turn up dead with their skulls surgically detached, a broken down FBI agent must use a mysterious 50 year old short movie to find their killer. About: Mark Heyman wrote Black Swan for Darren Aronofsky and if I had to guess, the producers here hired him in […]
Genre: TV Pilot – 1 hr. Drama/Comedy Premise: A look at the behind-the-scenes drama that occurs on a “Bachelor” like reality show. About: Had you told me a month ago I’d be reviewing a Lifetime teleplay about reality television, I would’ve told you to bring me your torch. You’ve been voted off the island. But […]
With indie sleeper “Ex Machina” kicking ass this weekend at the box office, I thought those who missed my script review might want to check it out. Enjoy! And now on to Black Mass… Genre: Drama/Biopic Premise: The real-life story of Whitey Bulger, a notorious Boston gangster who became an informant for the FBI to […]
While everyone clamors to perfect their Scriptshadow 250 entries, a bold group of screenwriting gummy bears choose to place their letter spaghetti in front of the interconnected computer sphere in hopes of rainbow transformation. May we wish them a transition to a higher state of being. Title: To Boldly Go Genre: Biopic Logline: In 1964, […]
Get Your Script Reviewed On Scriptshadow!: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, along with the title, genre, logline, and finally, something interesting about yourself and/or your script that you’d like us to post along with the script if reviewed. Use my submission address please: Remember […]