Genre: TV Pilot – Action/Apocalypse/Martial-Arts Premise: A century after the fall of society, a large swath of land known as The Badlands is being fought over by bands of gangsters. Gangsters who know kung-fu. About: AMC has only ordered three shows straight to series. Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead, and this one. The show […]
Hey everyone, Carson here. I’m out of the office today (found an amazing script and helping the writer get representation!) so I’m putting up a guest article from my friend, Phil Taffs. Phil is someone who has tried and been frustrated with the screenwriting game. After seeing all these book authors become superstars, both in […]
James Bond has a secret. Transformers spin-offs are coming. The Scriptshadow 250 deadline is four months away. Add that all up and divide it by two and you get… Amateur Offerings! Title: FIELDS Genre: Sci-fi Thriller Logline: When a group of dysfunctional teenagers are thrust through a gateway into a dangerous alien world, they […]
Gone Girl had a really exciting second act. So the other day, a writer told me he’d been excited about entering the Scriptshadow 250, but lately, he didn’t know if he’d be able to finish his script on time. “You’ve got over three months,” I told him. “What don’t you have time to do?” “I […]
Genre: Drama Premise: An ex-Death Row worker who has since isolated himself from the world finds his life reinvigorated by the arrival of a beautiful teenage girl. About: A lot of people chastise the Black List for celebrating scripts that already have production deals or writers who already have established careers. But baby scribe Anthony […]