Genre: Drama/Sports/Thriller
Premise: Based on a true story, Olympic Gold Medal wrestler Mark Schultz accepts an invitation to train at the facilities of a reclusive wrestling fanatic. What starts out as a dream opportunity slowly turns into a nightmare.
About: Steve Carell is starring in this one with Channing Tatum. Bennet Miller, the director of Moneyball and Capote, will direct. For those of you who don’t know, Miller was one of the very first directors (maybe the first?) to accept the digital medium, shooting his first film on digital tape. The film, The Cruise, was a small documentary, but a fun little film that followed around a semi-crazy tour guide in New York City. Definitely worth a rental if you can find it. Today’s writing pair is an out of left field duo, particularly for a high profile release. E. Max Frye hasn’t written anything since 2003, when he knocked off a TV movie titled, “Second Nature.” And Dan Futterman is known more for his acting than his writing, appearing in TV shows Judging Amy, Will and Grace, and Sex and The City (although he did write Miller’s “Capote.”) I also noticed that Futterman starred in one of my favorite spec screenplay success stories, “When Trumpets Fade.”
Writers: E. Max Frye and Dan Futterman (story by E. Max Frye, Dan Futterman and Bennet Miller)
Details: July 1, 2008 draft – 124 pages (This is an early draft of the script. The situations, characters, and plot may change significantly by the time the film is released. This is not a definitive statement about the project, but rather an analysis of this unique draft as it pertains to the craft of screenwriting).
In case you weren’t aware, Scriptshadow is the unofficial all things Channing Tatum website! Pretty soon you’ll be able to buy Channing Tatum dolls, unwashed Channing Tatum T-shirts (complete with sweat stains), and clay molds of Channing Tatum’s abs. I’m having a clearance on Robert Pattinson Chia Pets by the way. Only $7.99 with shipping.
27 year old Mark Schultz is a world champion wrestler who won a gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic games. Mark is an intense no-nonsense guy. Even though he’s achieved what 99.99999% of the world could only dream of, he’s already set on his next goal, winning gold at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul.
The thing is, being a world champion wrestler – even the best wrestler in the world – doesn’t pay a lot. In fact, Mark makes $5000 a year as an assistant coach at the University of Wisconsin. He works under his brother, 31 year old Dave Schultz, who also won a gold medal at Los Angeles.
Dave is the more popular of the two brothers. No matter what Mark does, it’s always Dave who gets the spotlight. It doesn’t bother Mark much. He loves his brother more than anything. But it would be nice if people would acknowledge him every once in awhile. He did, you know, win a gold medal too.
After Mark’s let go due to budget cuts, he’s tasked with figuring out how to train with no income. Out of desperation, he puts together a lazily edited set of training tapes but he may as well be trying to sell Kim Khardashian-Kris Humpries T-shirts. Nobody’s buying.
Then, out of nowhere, he gets a call from a man claiming to represent John Du Pont. Du Pont’s family is extraordinarily rich and owns a huge piece of land known as Foxcatcher Farms. Du Pont is a big wrestling fan and it’s come to his attention just how little money the U.S. wrestling team has to train. So he constructs his own facility and asks Mark to head it up. Anybody Mark recruits, he’ll pay them full salaries and living expenses!
Mark can’t believe his luck and the first thing he does is call his brother to join him. But Dave has a family and is wary about the invitation. The question he asks Mark will prove to be prophetic: “What does DuPont get out of it?”
When we meet Du Pont, we immediately sense something’s off about the guy. One moment he’s excited, the next reserved. Sometimes he’s obsessive, other times chummy. One day he wants to blend into the background, the next he wants to be the star. But all that matters to Mark is that Du Pont wants to win the gold as much as he does.
But as the months go by, Du Pont becomes more obsessive about the team. He starts participating in the practices, and names himself as one of the coaches – paying a hefty donation to the wrestling Federation for the privilege. It becomes even creepier when we find out Du Pont doesn’t do anything for a living. He’s never had a job. All of this money comes from his nearly dead senile mother.
Du Pont starts hounding Mark about his brother, Dave. Why hasn’t he recruited him yet? Why isn’t he out here with the team? What at first seems like a suggestion has become an obsession. Where the fuck is Dave?
Eventually, Du Pont makes Dave an offer he can’t refuse, and Mark finds out the truth. Du Pont was recruiting Dave a full two months before he called Mark. When Dave said no, Du Pont recruited Mark in hopes that he would convince his brother to come. This whole façade was just to get Dave here.
But Dave’s arrival doesn’t go as Du Pont expected. Dave and Mark become intensely close as they train, and Du Pont is sort of left out in the cold. Neither Dave nor Mark will give him the time of day. This doesn’t sit well with Du Pont, who decides to go to extreme measures to rectify the situation.
I don’t know what it was about this screenplay, but it got under my skin. Du Pont got under my skin. There was something so damn creepy about the guy. I really wish Channing Tatum wasn’t in this because if they found a worthy actor to play across from Carell, I think Carell could win an Oscar for this role. Du Pont is just a fascinating character.
I’ve already told you guys this but it bears repeating. Actors love playing characters like Du Pont. It allows them to flex their acting muscles. They get to play shy, aggressive, aloof, angry, sweet, passive-aggressive. Think about it, if you were an actor, wouldn’t you want to play that role as opposed to, say, a one-note character? Someone who’s just angry all the time? Or happy all the time? Actors love to be challenged. So write them a challenging role.
But what’s unique about Foxcatcher is that both lead characters are weird. Mark is also an odd duck who’s way too obsessed with wrestling, to the point where he has no love life, no real friends, no anything. I’m used to there being a “straight man” in a dynamic like this, but there is no straight man. That made each scene between the two fascinating. I was never quite sure what each character would do, what they would say. I’m used to scenes that all read the same. But that’s what was so cool about Foxcatcher. There was no “same.”
And there were just some really creepy sequences in this script. For example, Du Pont enters this over 50 wrestling tournament and starts training with the Olympians for it. Mark travels with him as his coach, and we see Du Pont wrestling these other men his age, but they’re clearly letting him win. That’s when we realize the entire tournament is a sham, paid for by Du Pont so he can win. Every single one of these wrestlers is being paid to lose to Du Pont. It’s just so odd and sad and unsettling.
Foxcatcher also has that train wreck thing going for it – sort of like yesterday’s screenplay. But you get the sense the wreck is going to be much bigger here, and it is. This is a true story so you can look up what happens for yourself. Foxcatcher is a strange exploration of mental illness and obsession that will stay with you for days. I actually had a dream about this screenplay after I read it, which never happens. That’s how big of an impact it left on me. Fascinating stuff.
[ ] What the hell did I just read?
[ ] wasn’t for me
[ ] worth the read
[x] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: If possible, send your characters into a meal scene with an unsettled issue. Late in the screenplay, Du Pont slaps Mark in front of the entire team. He then disappears and Mark can’t get a hold of him for days. Mark is then invited to a big meal with some people Du Pont is trying to impress. All Mark wants to do is talk to Du Pont about what happened, but Du Pont wants nothing to do with it (conflict!). This adds all this tension and subtext to the dinner scene that would never be there if the two characters were hunky-dorey and happy with one another.
Genre: Drama/Love Story
Premise: A man is released from the mental hospital with his mind set on getting his wife back. He’ll unfortunately need the help of a woman as crazy as him.
About: This is perfect subject matter for David O. Russell, since it’s pretty well known he’s a bit nuts himself. Playbook’s been in the headlines a lot lately, first for having a female character that every actress in Hollywood wanted to play, and then because it broke up the long-time friendship/partnership between David O. Russell and Mark Wahlberg. Apparently, after The Fighter’s success (Wahlberg brought David on to direct when nobody else wanted anything to do with him), Mark just figured he’d automatically be cast in Playbook. Instead, Russell went with Bradley Cooper, and Mark was pissed. Next thing you know it’s Selena Gomez and Demi Lavato all over again. Or is it Samantha Ronson and Lindsey Lohan all over again? Oh I don’t know. I’ll check PerezHilton and get back to you.The film also stars Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Stiles, Chris Tucker and Robert De Niro.
Writer: David O Russell (based on the novel by Matthew Quick)
Details: 127 pages – 2008 draft (This is an early draft of the script. The situations, characters, and plot may change significantly by the time the film is released. This is not a definitive statement about the project, but rather an analysis of this unique draft as it pertains to the craft of screenwriting).
It’s hard to talk about David O. Russell without mentioning all the controversy that follows him. This guy creates so much drama, you could throw him on the cast of Jersey Shore and the show wouldn’t skip a beat. I’ve been lukewarm to Russel’s work. I’ve always thought he was interesting, but there’s this consistent lack of focus in his storytelling that’s always bothered me. For example, Christian Bale’s character was so dominant in The Fighter that the whole boxing match at the end with Mark Wahlberg felt tacked on. To be honest, I’m still not sure who the main character was in that movie.
Well that’s about to change today. This is my favorite thing Russell has done by far. Just last week, in my review of Black, I talked about the need to exploit a genre and give it something new. This is the perfect example of that. It’s the most offbeat love story I’ve read in a long time.
30 -year-old Pat Peoples, a former high school substitute, has just gotten out of the mental hospital, and is moving back in with his parents. All he can think about is getting back together with his wife, Nikki. Unfortunately, the reason Pat got stuck in the hospital in the first place is because he mercilessly beat up the man who Nikki was cheating on him with.
What Pat didn’t realize was that the reason Nikki was cheating on him was because he’d given up on life. Now that Pat has been allowed back into the world, he’s decided to change. All he cares about is getting in the best shape possible and being as optimistic and positive as possible, so he can prove to Nikki he’s worthy of being hers again.
Pat’s brother eventually sets him up with Tiffany, who’s a piece of work herself. Her husband recently died, and she was so traumatized that she started having sex with every guy she worked with. Obviously, this became problematic for the company so they let her go. That means Tiffany’s living with her parents just like Pat! The blind date is a disaster. Pat’s disgusted by this woman, and when the night is over, he hopes to never see her again.
Unfortunately, when Pat goes jogging the next day, Tiffany joins him, staying a perfect 10 paces behind him. This leads to a hilarious conversation where Pat explains he wants nothing to do with her and Tiffany explains she wants nothing to do with him, yet they keep running exactly 10 paces from one another the entire time. This becomes a daily ritual between the two until Pat realizes that Tiffany, through a mutual friend, has access to his wife (who, it should be mentioned, has a restraining order against Pat).
Tiffany agrees to deliver a secret letter to Nikki if, and only if, Pat agrees to become her partner in a modern dance competition that takes place in three weeks. The last thing Pat wants to do is dance, but he realizes it’s the only way he’ll be able to communicate with his wife, so he agrees to it. These two oddballs get to know each other during their extensive practice time, and Tiffany starts to fall for Pat. With the eventual meeting of Pat’s wife looming, it remains to be seen whether Pat will reciprocate that love.
First thing’s first. Remember people, this is a writer-director draft. That’s why there’s all of this long text on the page. Why the description gets too specific in places. Why it feels overwritten here and there. Russell does not have to impress any readers. He just came off a box office hit and can make anything he wants. The thing is, despite this alienating style, the actual writing is simple and poignant, so the script reads well.
It’s funny though, the more I think about it, the more I realize Russell probably never had to deal with the spec market. He just wrote a script and directed it (Spanking The Monkey), which is probably why his style is so reader-unfriendly. If you don’t have to impress readers, you never have to learn what impresses readers. This is why Eric Roth (Forrest Gump) has a somewhat unique style as well (some may call him the King of Parentheticals). He too never had to write a spec script. He was hired to write projects right out of college.
Anyway, I thought this script was great. The big lesson that came out of it for me was “anticipation.” If you can make the audience anticipate something – if you can make them want to see something badly – the story will fly by, because we’ll be looking forward to “that” moment. That’s what the device of Nikki (Pat’s wife) does here. Pat is so obsessed with her, he so believes that they’re going to get back together (even though we know he’s got no shot), that we can’t wait for that meeting to come. And this is created through Russell’s detailing of Pat’s obsession. None of this works if Pat is only mildly interested in seeing his wife again. It works because he’s CONVINCED, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she’ll take him back once she sees him. As strange as it sounds, we can’t wait to see his reaction when that dream is crushed.
Another thing I wanted to point out was this running gag (no pun intended) of them jogging 10 paces away from one another. Whenever you write a romantic comedy or a love story or any relationship movie, one of the biggest challenges is coming up with interesting places to put your characters when they have conversations. If it’s just a bunch of talking in coffee shops and rooms, it’s boring. So you want to look for locations/situations that can make an average conversation dynamic in some capacity.
The jogging scenes here are a great example of that. First of all, you have conflict. He doesn’t want her jogging with him. And second you have the unique conversational component. She’s in back of him the whole time. They both have to yell in order to talk. It’s 1000 times more interesting than putting your characters across from one another at a table. That’s not to say you won’t have those scenes. There’s usually going to be one or two dates in a relationship movie where the characters are at a dinner table (and actually Pat and Tiffany’s first date is at a diner). But the idea is to minimize those locations as much as possible.
The thing that worried me the most about the script actually ended up being one of its best attributes. The introduction of this dance contest had the potential to be a really cheesy forced plot thread. I’m actually not sure how Russell and Quick pulled it off but somehow it became an organic extension of the story and quite sweet and moving. When the competition nears, and he hears his wife may be coming, you are on pins and needles waiting to see what will happen.
The presentation here was a little clumsy but the story was top notch. Just barely missed an impressive.
[ ] What the hell did I just read?
[ ] wasn’t for me
[xx] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: Occasionally in your screenplay, you’ll need to highlight documents, usually for expositional purposes. The best way to handle these documents is not to go into detail about what they say, but only highlight the relevant words needed to sell the exposition. For example, when Pat’s mom picks him up from the mental hospital, the audience needs to know that the only reason he’s getting released is because he’s going into his mom’s care. Therefore, this is what Russell writes:
“ …she signs ‘Jean Peoples’ as we see phrases: ‘ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY’ and ‘HOSPITAL BEARS NO LIABILITY.’”
All you need to do is highlight the relevant phrases on the document and then move on. Don’t give us a word by word account of the entire paragraph. It takes up space and this other way is so much easier.
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Premise: (from writers) It’s a brilliant bank robbery plan. But there’s one contingency no one could have planned for: One of the hostages turns into a werewolf, turning the bank they’ve locked down to keep out the police into a deathtrap. And turning a criminal into a hero.
About: One of the writers of today’s script, B.P.Kelsey, is an up-and-coming one-sheet artist. I’ve included one of his posters in the review below. — Every Friday, I review a script from the readers of the site. If you’re interested in submitting your script for an Amateur Review, send it in PDF form, along with your title, genre, logline, and why I should read your script to Keep in mind your script will be posted in the review (feel free to keep your identity and script title private by providing an alias and fake title). Also, it’s a good idea to resubmit every couple of weeks so that your submission stays near the top of the pile.
Writers: Joel Thomas & B.P.Kelsey
Details: 101 pages – undated (This is an early draft of the script. The situations, characters, and plot may change significantly by the time the film is released. This is not a definitive statement about the project, but rather an analysis of this unique draft as it pertains to the craft of screenwriting).
Werewolf. Heist. Nuff said.
The Hostage centers around Liam Bardwell. Liam is in his 40s and is coughing up blood faster than a vampire with the flu. That’s because he’s got cancer, which is a big reason he’s leading this heist in the first place.
His second in command is a scary ass dude named Frankie Mitts. Even though Liam’s in charge of the show, Frankie believes he’s the star. When things start going to shit – and you know they will – it’s Frankie who will insist on directing.
Our other main character is Jamee, a single mother in her 20s who’s trying to manage a bank while dealing with a divorce. She’s just started dating again which isn’t making her cop husband happy. When he unexpectedly drops their daughter, Kristin, off, she’s furious, as it was supposed to be his turn to take her. She has a big date with a doctor that night (who’s there at the bank waiting), and now she doesn’t know what to do.
Well my dear, get ready for a bigger problem. Liam and his crew bust into the bank right after her husband leaves. The workers are marched down into the vault and the bad guys begin executing their plan. That is until they hear screaming downstairs. They head back to the vault and find nearly everybody ripped to shreds.
If you think you have bad luck picking men, try finding out your boyfriend is a werewolf! But the heist crew doesn’t know that yet. They think some crazy ass dog got in here and had a field day. Da Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt boys.
After a couple of more slaughters, it’s clear they’re dealing with something bigger. Problem is, they can’t leave the bank because there’s a billion police officers outside. They have to stick to the plan – dig a tunnel to an underground escape pipe – all with a hungry werewolf on their heels.
Eventually Liam hooks up with Jamee and Frankie gets a hold of her daughter, Kristin. So in addition to getting the money, digging the hole, and avoiding a werewolf, Liam and Jamee have to get her daughter back from Senor Psychopath.
The police are finally able to sneak inside, but they quickly become a bowl of pooch pastries as well. Will anybody make it out of this heist alive? Read The Hostage to find out.
The Hostage has a lot going for it. I love the premise. I love the situation. As far as the promise of the premise goes, the script delivers. It’s packed with tension. The structure is solid. We have a clear goal. We have clear stakes. We have clear urgency. Everybody’s motivations are strong. If I was running a production company and this showed up on my desk, I would look long and hard into purchasing it, even though horror isn’t my strong suit.
So why, then, was I not loving The Hostage? Could it be that I’m not into werewolves? No. I’m not into vampires but I loved Elevator Men.
I stripped away all my analytical instincts and asked a simple question: “What was it about this script that I didn’t like?”
When I asked that question, I realized there wasn’t a single character in the script I connected with. Now let me make something clear. The characters here are all better than the characters in Bryan Bertino’s Black. But there was still something missing.
Let’s start with Liam, who has cancer. The problem with this is, it still doesn’t tell me anything about his character. Just giving Liam cancer doesn’t make him “deep.” Yes, it adds a little bit of context, but I still don’t know anything about his life. Look at Breaking Bad. In that show, we see our hero manning a second job at a car wash, struggling to support his family. We see the manager force him to join the cleaners and help wipe down cars, a totally humiliating experience for a family man. We see one of his rich students (he’s also a chemistry teacher) drive up, see his teacher cleaning cars, and start laughing at him. In that moment, we get a perfect snapshot of this person’s life, his struggle. And we feel for him. We’re ready to root for this guy through anything.
I know that’s a TV show and you have more time to explore characters in TV, but you have to pick at least one person in your movie and give us a reason to root for them. Tell us about who they are and why they’re in this situation. We get bits and pieces of that with Liam, but never enough to give a shit about him. The reason this is so important is because we have to want Liam to get that money. We have to care about him saving himself or his family. And since we know so little about him, we don’t. It’s only after all of this is over that I officially learn he’s trying to obtain money for his family anyway.
There’s a little more going on with Jamee. I liked that she had a daughter and how the daughter gets split up from her. But I don’t know. I never connected with her either. It was almost as if the relationship with her husband was thrown in at the beginning to give the appearance of depth, and then forgotten from that point on. I don’t even remember what happened to him. Why is it that we spend time with the feisty random Latino female police officer trying to get inside and not on one of our character’s husbands – who’s a COP!?
If you look at Ripley in Aliens, who’s in a similar scenario, she’s constantly battling this issue of trust. She doesn’t trust Bishop. She doesn’t trust Paul Riser’s lawyer character. On the flip side, she’s the only one on this crew that Newt trusts – who Newt knows will protect her. So there’s a theme and a struggle that the film is constantly hitting on, which gives everything a deeper meaning.
Once we get into the fray here, it’s just a bunch of people running around, trying to avoid a werewolf.
The stranger thing about The Hostage is that it occasionally wastes character development on random or meaningless characters. Outside of Random Feisty Latino Cop, we also get Marcus, the police commander, who takes up all of five pages in the screenplay. Yet he’s given this whole backstory about a wife who keeps trying to call him but he won’t answer. Why is it that I know more about a throwaway character than I do the two main characters?
Even little things about the characters didn’t make sense. For example, Liam is in his 40s and he’s a grandfather. I know that’s possible but it doesn’t sound right. Jamee is a 20-something bank manager? Isn’t that a little young to be managing a bank? She’s also divorced with an eight-year-old kid. When did she get married? When she was 16? Was she a child bride? Did she get married to one of the actors on Lost? It’s details like this that make me wonder if the characters were thought through at all.
Now there is some good here. The structure is solid. The script has a ton of energy. There are a lot of clever touches. I love that they weren’t after money, but rather an expensive coin collection. I loved that they later use those coins (because they’re silver) to shoot down the Wolf. Being forced to make a choice between keeping a $2 million coin or using it to kill a dangerous beast is a great movie moment. I loved the twist with those coins (I won’t spoil it but let’s say their initial plan to use them as bullets doesn’t work). I loved that the bank robbers wore sheep masks. And the plan for the heist was a good one – something I could see real live bank robbers using.
And you know what? This FEELS like a movie. I could see it being made. I could see renting it myself. It’s a cool idea. But if this is going to be more than a straight to VOD title. If it’s going to be something you remember and recommend to your friends, the characters are going to have to improve. Because right now, they’re what’s keeping a cool idea from becoming a great movie.
Script link: The Hostage
[ ] What the hell did I just read?
[x] wasn’t for me
[ ] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: Giving a character a disease doesn’t make them deep. Diseases are actually common in movies. People have cancer. People have AIDS. So if that’s all you tell us, it just feels cliché. It’s the circumstances you build around those diseases that flesh out the character and make them real. Breaking Bad is the perfect example. We don’t just see that our hero has cancer. We’re given the circumstances by which cancer will affect his life. Treatment will cripple his family’s bank account when he already has a disabled son and another baby on the way. Thomas and Kelsey try to hint at Liam’s family issues in an early phone call. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do anything for us. We don’t see the family. We don’t see the people he’s fighting for. It doesn’t affect us at all. I understand that this is a horror thriller and you want to move into the story as soon as possible, but you have to figure out a way to make us care about the characters first. When you think of Taken, you remember a lot of running around, a lot of action, and a lot of excitement. But remember, the first 30 minutes of that movie are about a father and his relationship with his daughter. It’s never easy balancing character development with urgency in movies, but it has to be done.
Genre: Horror Comedy
Premise: In a world that’s gotten used to the zombie presence, a young couple finds themselves trying to raise a zombie baby.
About: This script finished in the middle of the pack of last year’s Black List. This was Jones’ thesis script at the American Film Institute. He moved to LA after going to college at the University of North Carolina, which, correct me if I’m wrong, has a strong film department. So I’m assuming he started his examination of the craft there. This is his breakthrough screenplay.
Writer: Andy Jones
Details: 107 pages – undated (This is an early draft of the script. The situations, characters, and plot may change significantly by the time the film is released. This is not a definitive statement about the project, but rather an analysis of this unique draft as it pertains to the craft of screenwriting).
The beauty of this job is that one day you can be reading about the man who cracked the code that ended World War II, and the next day you can be reading about A ZOMBIE BABY! I’ll be honest with you. I was not looking forward to this. I didn’t see any scenario under which this script could be good. How do you center an entire movie around a zombie baby? I can imagine maybe three jokes? Four tops? If you’d put me in a room and told me I’d be gassed in an hour if I didn’t come up with a script idea that incorporated a zombie baby, I’d start writing my will.
But you never know which scripts are going to surprise you. I guess that’s why they call it a surprise. Zombie Baby was the funniest comedy I’ve read in a while. It’s not perfect, but boy is it entertaining.
Mike Peters is 35 years old and married to his unfairly pretty wife, Sarah. Not a good start for Zombie Baby. I’ve read, I think, 16,215 scripts that start with an average looking guy who has an unfairly hot girlfriend/wife. Originality = -1. But hey, it’s the movies. And I know a zombie baby is coming. So I brush it off.
Sarah’s parents, who come around way too often, are getting impatient about the non-baby situation. Mike and Sarah have been together forever. So where’s the damn little one? It’s getting so bad that Sarah can barely make it through the day without having a nervous breakdown. It’s not that SHE has to have a baby. But it would be nice to shut her parents up.
Oh, let me back up. The world’s also been overrun by zombies. But the good news is, the governments have it under control. They’ve pushed most of the zombies into big cities where they’re safely contained. But the occasional zombie does lurch around and it’s up to you and your trusty sidearm to take care of it.
And this is really where our story begins. Mike and Sarah come home one night to find a zombie couple in their house. After splattering their brains all over the kitchen cabinets, they realize the zombie couple have left behind a zombie……….you guessed it……..BABY! Zombie Baby!!! And while it’s easy to fill a full-grown zombie’s skull with lead, it’s a lot harder to do so to a cooing and cawing zombie baby.
So they take a page out of the screenwriter’s handbook and put it off until tomorrow. The zombie baby doesn’t have any teeth yet so technically they’re safe. The problem is, the more time you spend with zombie baby, the more you like him. Sarah even realizes that with a little make-up, you can actually make him look like a real baby. Wait a minute. Are they actually KEEPING zombie baby?
I guess so. And the reason this is a big problem is that recently, someone who was keeping their zombie mom lost her and she went on a 35 person zombie killing spree. For that reason, the government has made it illegal to house zombies. If you’re caught with a zombie, you’re getting the chair.
Eventually, Mike’s redneck brother shows up to stay with the fam, which is problematic in that he LOVES KILLING ZOMBIES. After an odd babysitting adventure, he begins to suspect something is up. Mike and Sarah realize they need to do something with Zombie Baby now or his bro is going to kill it. Even worse, he might turn them in. If you thought raising a real baby was hard, try raising a ZOMBIE BABY! (can you tell I like saying “Zombie Baby?”).
I thought this was great. I can’t remember a horror comedy that had this much fun with its premise. But what I really liked about Zombie Baby was that it wasn’t truly about a zombie baby. It was about the challenges a young couple faces raising a baby for the first time. Yet explored in a unique way.
Think about it. How many “raising babies” movies and TV shows have we seen over the years? Somewhere between way too many and a googolplex. The worst is when it enters the sitcom scenario. We’ve watched a sitcom for five years, and in order to “spice things up” they add a baby. It always signifies the death of the show. And that’s because we’ve seen it all before. There’s nothing new you can show us.
That is, unless you make the baby a zombie. This opens it up to all sorts of new scenarios and it’s fun to see what Jones does with these scenarios. For example, when it’s time to clean the baby, they don’t go to the bathtub and have their first bath. Mike drops him down in the middle of the driveway and shoots a hose at him for 5 minutes. You can’t do that kind of thing in Three Men And A Baby.
Most of the story mechanics in Zombie Baby were sound too. There’s this constant evolving (open-ended) goal of trying to figure out what to do with the baby. Jones was also wise to add high stakes to the scenario. If they were caught with the baby, they’d be killed. So there really was a lot at stake.
I was enjoying this so much, in fact, that at one point I had it as an impressive. But unfortunately, my fears were realized. Try as you may, try as you might, this is still a thin premise. It’s hard to build an entire two hour scenario around it. And I could feel that in the second half.
Two story choices I had problems with were the brother and the painting. I can’t figure it out, but something bothered me about the brother. He felt like an artificial storytelling device to create conflict in the family. What I mean by that is, I was never clear on why he came to the house. He just sort of shows up and says I’m gonna live here now. It’s critical that pieces of the story like this make sense, because if they don’t, we become aware that the writer is placing them in the story. This only gets worse when the brother becomes this radical hick who’s willing to murder his own family because they’re housing a zombie baby. I never bought it.
The other plot point that didn’t go anywhere was Sarah’s painting of the zombie baby. There’s this whole thread where a weird senator falls in love with the painting and wants to buy it. I didn’t feel it had anything to do with the story and really just got in the way.
One of the hardest things to do as a writer is recognize when something isn’t working and cut it. It’s hard because you know you’ll have to think of something else and rewrite a hell of a lot of the script. But I always say, if something feels wrong in your screenplay, it probably is. And if you don’t do something about it, you’re going to be chained to that bad choice for the rest of the screenplay. It’s just going to lead to more bad choices. So it’s best to take care of the problem at the outset.
Luckily, the script rebounds at the end when our couple realizes what they need to do with the baby. I won’t spoil it for you but it was well set up and it ended everything on a good note. Which I was so happy about because I was getting nervous there for a while. This was a really funny script. I’m glad to see that Jones is getting so much publicity over it.
[ ] What the hell did I just read?
[ ] wasn’t for me
[x] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: I know I’ve talked about this before but I can’t stress it enough. You have to find a unique way to tell an old story. Jones actually gave an interview about this. He loves zombies but when he sat down to think about a zombie movie, he realized that almost everything had been done. So he vowed not to write a zombie movie until he discovered a unique angle. He eventually realized he hadn’t seen a zombie movie about taking care of a zombie – and that’s where the zombie baby idea came from. This is a critical component to a writer’s success – that moment BEFORE you write your screenplay and figuring out if the story is WORTH being written in the first place. I always say marinate on an idea for 2-3 months (at least) before you write it. Make sure you like the idea just as much now as you did originally. Also, the best way into this business is still to find a unique way to tell an old story. You still have to execute it. You still have to nail all the beats and the structure. But you’re way ahead of the game if right out of the gate you have something unique.
Genre: Horror
Premise: After a bus crashes in the snowy mountains, its passengers are stalked by a terrifying beast.
About: This one is from Bryan Bertino, the writer/director of The Strangers. At one point, Bryan was going to direct Black but that’s since changed, and they appear to be looking for someone new to helm the project. Bertino was a gaffer in Hollywood and wrote scripts on the side. The Strangers was his breakthrough screenplay, finishing in the Nicholl quarterfinals, then later went on to sell to Universal.
Writer: Bryan Bertino
Details: 115 Pages (This is an early draft of the script. The situations, characters, and plot may change significantly by the time the film is released. This is not a definitive statement about the project, but rather an analysis of this unique draft as it pertains to the craft of screenwriting).
I have to give it to Bertino in his direction of The Strangers. He just made that movie look so cool. I remember it being near the top of my “to see” list that year. Despite that, I had a huge problem with the script. Mainly that the villains didn’t have any motivation. They showed up, killed, left.
Now later on, I heard what Bryan was trying to do. He was trying to give you the point of view of the victims in a murder situation similar to The Manson murders. On that dreadful night, none of those people knew why these degenerates came in, terrorized, and ultimately murdered them. So Bryan wanted to do the same thing with this movie. There would be no hindsight. We would experience what it would be like to be attacked without provocation. We’d be scared, confused, and before we could figure it out, dead.
It’s actually a cool idea in retrospect. Hearing him describe it that way, I thought “that’s a really neat angle.” But when you’re watching the movie and you see the bad guys kill then simply walk away – I don’t know – It left me feeling unfulfilled and, quite frankly, pissed off. I feel like movies need a point. So if there isn’t one, it’s like the last two hours were a waste of time. If you guys were making The Strangers under the same guidelines, how would you convey what Bryan was trying to convey without pissing half the audience off? There’s a good idea in there somewhere but I think he failed to make it clear.
Anyway, Black is about a group of resort workers who are being bussed up to a brand-new upscale hotel in the remote wilderness. There are roughly a dozen of them – but our main focus is on a family of four. There’s 32-year-old Sadie (whose tattoos indicate a rebel past). There’s her husband, John. And they have two daughters, eight year old Josey and four-year-old Molly.
Whereas most of the payload has always struggled on life’s lowest rung, we hear bits and pieces of info to indicate Sadie and John used to be well-off. They’ve since fallen on hard times, and aren’t thrilled about being the “help” at a hotel.
As the bus weaves its way into the mountains, a snowstorm settles in and it gets harder and harder to see the road. You know what that means. Something LEAPS in front of the bus and our bus driver YANKS the steering wheel to avoid it and the bus goes flipping down the side of an embankment.
After the survivors are accounted for, they start hearing some strange noises outside. Now this is a forest so you’re going to hear strange noises. But there’s something particularly unsettling about this noise. And that’s because IT’S A MONSTER!
Bryan takes the Jaws approach and doesn’t show us the monster for a long time. But we do get flashes of it and it appears to be half beast, half skeleton. As our desperate bus riders realize they might not be found down here, they decide to grab some flares, head up to the road, and draw attention to their location. They should be fine of course, since monsters can’t see flares.
Skeletor Bear takes advantage of our team of idiots and turns them into a Taco Bell fourth meal. Back in the bus, our remaining survivors are learning that they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they don’t try to escape, they’ll probably die of starvation. If they stay in the bus, Wolf Bone will come and eat them.Oh the irony.
They figure the Hotel isn’t far away so they should try and make a run for it. But there are a few surprises waiting for them, starting with the fact that the hotel might not be as safe as they think. Will our bus batch survive? I certainly doubt it. But you never know. Zombie Panda can only eat so much. He may just call it a night and get some much-needed rest. Hunting dumb innocent people takes energy you know.
I’m afraid that Black suffers from the worst screenwriting culprits our there – averageness. You have to realize that readers read this specific type of scenario – people stuck in a space with a monster nearby – thousands of times over. It’s such a common story that if you try and half-ass it, if all you do is give us the same or even slight variations of everything that’s been done before, we’re going to tune out. And that was my reaction here. There wasn’t a single moment in the screenplay that wasn’t something I’d seen before.
The only time I was even mildly surprised was when the characters decided to go to the hotel. I thought the whole thing was going to take place in the bus. Thank God Bryan made this choice because it at least added freshness to the ending. But there was still so much familiarity with the set up and its execution that I could never drum up enough interest to care about anybody in the story.
I think that was the second big mistake here – none of the characters stuck out. And when you put characters in a life or death situation, you have to make sure – I’m talking priority number one here – that you’ve created enough backstories and motivations and conflicts and flaws and relationship issues so that all the characters feel real and that we actually care about them.
Just yesterday we looked at a script with a very well-crafted central relationship in the movie. A young girl was upset about a new woman trying to take her mom’s place. That backstory was crucial to the rest of the story and played into nearly every decision the girl made. I don’t know anything about the characters in Black. In fact, it’s easy for me to know when a writer hasn’t done his job simply by getting to the point in my review where I have to describe the characters. I realized I had nothing to describe. I couldn’t remember anything distinct about any of the characters in Black except that one of them was really fat. Fat isn’t a character trait. Fat doesn’t help me understand a character. It seemed like we would get some information about the main family’s financial backstory and how they got to this point, but after that initial hint of it, it was never mentioned again. So with that gone, I had absolutely no one to care about.
These movies are about rooting for the people to survive against the beast. So if we don’t care about the people, it doesn’t matter how cool your beast is, or how original your story is. We won’t care.
Here’s the thing. Developing interesting original characters that we want to root for is the single hardest thing to do in screenwriting. It takes a lot of studying. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what works. It takes a lot of homework – writing out character biographies and figuring out who your characters were before the story began. But if you’re willing to put in the effort and figure the characters in your screenplay out, it will pay off. Because not many writers are willing to do that work.
This is my big problem with horror scripts – is that a lot of horror writers just don’t care about the characters. They’re all cardboard cutouts waiting to be dumped into the monster shredder du jour. If you’re a young horror writer out there – study character work. Put the majority of your effort into creating characters with depth and flaws and problems. In fact, before you write your next horror script, go write a character piece. You will not show this screenplay to anybody. It’s just for yourself. But try to write a movie just about characters and make it interesting. If you can do that, then you’ll be able to write a good horror script (or any script for that matter). Good luck.
[ ] What The Hell Did I Just Read?
[x] Wasn’t For Me
[ ] Worth The Read
[ ] Impressive
[ ] Genius
What I Learned: Today’s “what I learned” is a theory based on my frustration from reading the same horror scripts over and over again. Whenever you write a movie inside a genre you like, you never try anything different. Why? Because you like the genre. You like how it works. So why would you change it? However, when you watch a movie in a genre you dislike, you’re quick to point out all its faults. You’re quick to point out all the clichés. You’re quick to point out how they all feel exactly the same. For that reason, if you were to write a movie in said genre, you’d probably change everything up – and in the process, create something totally unique. A romantic comedy writer trying sci-fi for the first time would write a sci-fi rom-com. A thriller writer trying a Western for the first time would pump up the urgency in that traditionally slow genre to Mach 10. You wouldn’t be restricted by all the things you love, because you don’t love anything about the genre. I haven’t tried this theory out but I think there’s something to it. One of the biggest problems with screenplays is that 99% of them feel exactly the same. This might be a way to create something different. Thoughts? Am I crazy? Actually, don’t answer that.