Genre: Action/Period/Heist Premise: A unit in the American army in World War 2 goes AWOL in an attempt to steal looted treasure from a Nazi train. About: This script sold for a million dollars back in 1989. Disney snatched it up the second they read it. Unfortunately, the writing team, Rick Jaffa and Doug Richardson, […]
So I’m sitting there watching Talk to Me, the A24 Australian horror movie you might have seen the trailer for. It’s the one where a bunch of teenagers are in a basement and one of them holds a hand statue and then goes into some sort of trance. The movie is pretty good. But it […]
This is a friendly reminder to get those Horror and Thriller loglines in for the big Halloween competition. I am DETERMINED to find a great genre screenplay on this most wonderful of holidays. Keep’em coming! What: Halloween Logline ShowdownSend me: Logline for either your Horror or Thriller script (Pilot scripts are okay!)I need: The title, […]
Reviewing “Seven” in my newsletter brought me back to a time when screenwriters could change their lives overnight. All they had to do was a write a good screenplay and – BOOM – they were millionaires. Those sales then did double-duty for them, as their names would be splashed all over the trades. This would […]
Genre: Superhero Premise: Both the X-Men and the evil “Brotherhood” fight one another in an attempt to lure Wolverine onto their side, while the Brotherhood’s leader, Magneto, plans a secret takeover of a major U.S. city, all amongst the country’s growing resistance towards mutants. About: There’s been a lot of chatter over the last week […]