Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror/Drama Premise: Amid a rash of cattle mutilations in the ‘80s, a rural veterinarian holds an alien captive with the desperate hope that its miraculous healing biology can save his terminally ill wife. About: This is the runner-up in the First Page Showdown. If you’re wondering why we’re reviewing the runner-up and not the […]
I stumbled across this video recently while performing a most impressive act of procrastination. I was half-listening at first but as Gervais’s calm soothing British tone gesticulated across me, I found myself subconsciously nodding. I restarted the video and listened more closely. I’m convinced that what Gervais says here is the single most important factor […]
Oooh-oooh-ahh-ahh-ahhhhh. It’s that most gorrrriest time of the year. Which means, in addition to some eyeballs and fresh liver, I shall serve you a horrifying script review. As David Pumpkins would say… any questions?? Genre: Horror Premise: Two young Indian brothers living in England head back to their dying grandmother’s home in a remote part […]
Genre: Action/Period/Heist Premise: A unit in the American army in World War 2 goes AWOL in an attempt to steal looted treasure from a Nazi train. About: This script sold for a million dollars back in 1989. Disney snatched it up the second they read it. Unfortunately, the writing team, Rick Jaffa and Doug Richardson, […]
So I’m sitting there watching Talk to Me, the A24 Australian horror movie you might have seen the trailer for. It’s the one where a bunch of teenagers are in a basement and one of them holds a hand statue and then goes into some sort of trance. The movie is pretty good. But it […]