Genre: Horror-Thriller
Premise: A group of young adults channel their inner Charles Manson and attempt to terrorize a rich couple in their remote home. But they soon realize that they picked the wrong couple.
About: This one was written by brothers Justin and VJ Boyd, who are relatively new on the scene. This script actually won the Screamfest Screenplay Contest, which has since resulted in VJ securing a writing job for the TV series, Justified. The two brothers also created a comic called Ghost Cop, fortifying the Scriptshadow rule of “Go out there and attack the industry in as many ways as possible.”
Writers: VJ Boyd & Justin Boyd
Details: 96 pages
It was not a pretty weekend at the box office. The Last Witch Hunter ended up getting hunted by much better movies. People always talk about Vin Diesel’s amazing social media presence, despite the fact that it doesn’t seem to do anything for him outside of Fast and Furious. Jury’s still out on whether a star’s social media affects ticket sales.
“Jobs” only made 7.3 million bucks. To put that in perspective, the Ashton Kutcher version of Jobs made 6.7 million bucks on its opening weekend. As for why this happened, I think you strip away all the industry talk and just admit that Steve Jobs isn’t a topic the average person is interested in. With that said, I loved this movie, and hopefully we’ll see it play through the Oscars.
One of the more baffling things about the weekend was the release of Jem and the Holograms, which couldn’t even scrape together 2 million bucks. The film doing badly wasn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was how sure mega-producer Jason Blum was that the movie was going to do well. Of the ten films he released this year, this is the only one he tabbed as a “sure thing.”
I don’t know a single person on this planet who would’ve agreed with Blum here. This looked like a bad idea from the get-go. It just goes to show that even someone as plugged into the Hollywood machine as Jason Blum can be completely off-base about an idea. That’s scary.
Speaking of scary, I’m here to recruit a little anger from you readers, a little frustration, a little HATE. 17 year-old Cassie is just trying to fit in at school. She’s finally got one of the popular girls, the mean-spirited Stacy, taking an interest in her. So when Stacy suggests bringing Cassie out for a night to remember, Cassie doesn’t hesitate.
However, she starts having doubts when she meets Stacy’s older boyfriend, JP, who the Boyd’s describe simply as, “He looks like one of the Columbine shooters.” Cassie’s ready to bail until the last member of the group shows up, the uber-sexy, Razor. All of a sudden, Cassie thinks the night is worth a shot.
The group heads out to a remote location where they find a beautiful large home. Cassie soon picks up on the fact that our trio holds a grudge against the rich, and are ready to make an example out of the couple who live here. Cassie is not down but as Razor explains to her, “Where are you going to go? We’re out in the middle of nowhere.”
The group eventually sneaks in, targeting Kurt and Gail, a seemingly helpless pair in their forties. But there’s something off about it all. Even when they tie these people up and hold guns to their heads, they don’t seem scared.
I think you know where this is going. All it takes is one mistake and Gail and Kurt are able to get free. Just like that, the hunters become the hunted. As our group runs around the house, trying to save one another, they discover a series of Nazi paraphernalia. Each side goes all in, set on taking the others down. May the side with the most hate win.
I’ll be the first to admit, I love home invasion scripts. LOVE’EM! I don’t know what it is about them but if you look through all my reviews, I always give these scripts high marks, and Hate Night is no exception. I didn’t think it was as good as some of the other stuff I’ve read, but I still enjoyed myself.
And even if you aren’t a home-invasion lover, you could learn a couple of things from this script, namely, how it pulls you in via its use of suspense.
You see, most writers don’t know how to use suspense. Sure, if you asked them what suspense is, they’d probably have an answer for you. But as far as effectively utilizing suspense in one of their screenplays? Don’t count on it.
With Hate Night, right away Stacy and JP are acting creepy towards Cassie, hinting at things to come, which makes us wonder if they’re going to do something bad to her. We also know there’s a plan being put into action here, which likewise keeps our interest.
It’s for this reason that the Boyds have us wrapped around their finger. We ARE GOING TO READ until we find out what this plan is – and what’s going to happen to Cassie. That’s suspense 101 right there. And the typical amateur screenwriter doesn’t know how to do this. They instead write linearly. By that I mean they write whatever comes into their head at the moment, unable to forward-think the situation into a suspense-driven version.
My issue with Hate Night was that once we got to the home, much of that suspense was replaced with shock value. And while I’m not against shock value, it’s definitely not as effective as a well executed line of suspense.
The reason is simple. Shock takes up one second of screen-time. A character bites off another characters mouth. That’s fine. I’ve seen that work in movies before and it might work effectively when put on screen here. But it’s over within a second. There’s nothing left to extract from a “one person bites off another person’s mouth” moment.
With suspense, you can draw things out for minutes, even hours. One of the reasons It Follows worked so well is because its premise is inherently suspenseful. We know it’s only a matter of time before the next “follower” is coming. And we’re on guard about who or where they could be.
Hate Night had the opportunity to extend its suspenseful approach with the Nazi stuff. Start with something small so the audience wonders what’s going on, then with each new series of scenes, reveal a little more about the Nazi stuff, until a big explanation of how the couple is connected to that world is revealed. But Hate Night chooses not to explain these things. And I suppose that’s fine. But I guess I was looking for anything that would keep me invested the way those the first 20 pages did.
Despite this, I still enjoyed Hate Night. I love the genre in general. I like that the Boyds twisted things around and made the hunters the hunted. And I liked how the main characters didn’t represent a united front (with Cassie being against this). The reality in these situations is that even on the “attacking” side, there’s going to be dissent, and I read too many scripts where everybody on the bad side agrees with each other, which isn’t realistic.
I’m glad to get Halloween Week started off right. And by the way, if you know of any good horror scripts from the last couple of years you want to see reviewed, let me know. I have the new Friday the 13th script, but I didn’t know if you guys would be interested in that, seeing as it’s part of an overly-exploited franchise. But if you’re interested, I’ll review it. Let me know in the comments!
[ ] what the hell did I just read?
[ ] wasn’t for me
[x] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: Create LINES OF SUSPENSE to keep your scenes engaging. Think of a “line of suspense” as a literal line between when you hint at something happening, and when it actually happens. The longer the line, the longer the suspense. To understand how this works, I want you to write two practice scenes for me. In the first scene, I want you to put characters JOE and LISA in a room together and have them talk. I don’t care what they talk about. Just write 2-4 pages of a scene with those two talking. When you’re finished, come back here. Okay, now I want you to write the same scene, but this time, have the two preparing the room for something (cleaning, arranging), then start with this dialogue. JOE: I thought she was supposed to be here by now. LISA: You know how busy she is. JOE: I just can’t believe she’s coming here. — Continue to write the dialogue between the characters however you want until this third person shows up. What you’ll notice is that the second scene works much better because you’ve created a LINE OF SUSPENSE. The audience is now anticipating the arrival of a character. And not just any character, a seemingly important character. So the reader is clearly going to want to find out who this person is. This is how to use a LINE OF SUSPENSE to keep the reader engaged.
Today’s Amateur Offerings are a HOLIDAY SPECIAL. I mean, how can we not review a horror script on October 30th??? I’m including both horror/Halloween entries from last week, plus three new entries. Will the returning contestants leave the newbies in a blood-soaked pile of discarded candy wrappers? I don’t know. Movie geeks loooooove Bruce Campbell. Which could lead to a ghoulish upset…
Title: LRKRZ (new draft!)
Genre: Horror/Slasher
Logline: Deep in the twisted and lawless labyrinth of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, a hip sociologist named Vega and her dirty gutterpunk friends are viciously hunted by the Lurkers, a pack of deranged, homicidal hobos — or maybe something even worse.
Why You Should Read: It’s always a lucky day when an idea picks you. Here, I had no desire to draft a horror screenplay, but frequent walks through San Francisco’s parks got me obsessed with what goes on there after dark. I mean, if the City streets are this sketchy during the day, then the nighttime park must be a fucking murder zone. And so the Lurkers were born, and now I’m half convinced they’re real. Definitely dirty business. — I’m more than a little over the current state of horror movies, so this is my effort to take it old school, with a focus on characters and a slow build. But for the shots of San Francisco it would cost little to make, so I hope I can convince an edgy director to take a chance. — Thanks again for all your hard work, Carson, it’s a real inspiration.
Title: Team Halloween
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi/Comedy
Logline: A group of Halloween-obsessed friends stumble across an otherworldly device and turn everyone in town into their Halloween costumes! They team up with a wacky scientist to fight through the chaos, get the device back, and make sure the world doesn’t turn into Halloween for real–forever!
Why You Should Read: Because it’s the perfect time of year for it! And because, in no uncertain terms, I wanted to create a go-to, all-ages Halloween ‘staple’ movie (the kind of movie that you have to watch whenever the season rolls around, like ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ is for Christmas, ‘Jaws’ is for the Fourth of July and ‘Groundhog Day’ is for Arbor Day), and I wanted to see what the world’s biggest group of smart script-readers think about it! Hardly anyone agrees on what movie they HAVE to watch every Halloween, and almost none of them are appropriate for parents to watch with their kids. I genuinely want a movie that groups of people will get together to watch for decades to come. I want parties dedicated to it. I want the title to become a verb. I want a movie that kids, teenagers, adults–literally everyone–will want to see because it’s funny, smart, thrilling, and touching. It’s a heartfelt return to the glory days of blockbuster movies that know how to have fun. It’s Back To The Future meets The Monster Squad (which was, of course, The Goonies meets Halloween); it’s big, it’s exciting, it’s all-ages (read: FOUR QUADRANT, baby) and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Plus the title is catchy as hell, isn’t it?
Title: Blood Soaked Moon
Genre: Action adventure horror.
Logline: After her encounter with Dracula Mina Harker seeks revenge for her husband’s death, whilst trying to prevent a vampire from becoming a day walker, thus enslaving the world.
Why You Should Read: Franchise. That’s what Hollywood is after these days. Plus this story is set in the 1800’s which isn’t done that many times in films. Also it serves as a sort of sequel to Dracula. Mina Harker is also a very active hero who’s driven by revenge. — All the right elements are there story and structure wise too. Not only that you have two legends: Van Helsing and Dracula (who does have a small cameo). This adventure romp is also well paced and never seems to slow down. On this site you are always emphasizing urgency and active heroes, so I’ve taken your advice and used them to the best ability I can. — Finally I know you might be able to tell it’s an early draft, but please don’t let that put you off. The main reason I am sending this to you is so I can improve it. I hope you like this script and I have plenty more for you.
Title: Sandbox
Genre: Sci-fi Horror Thriller
Logline: A Military Psychologist summons an Exorcist to an abandoned Air Force base when its classified technology becomes infected by a devilish entity.
Why You Should Read: Awesome setting, an abandoned air force base coupled with drones used in an unexpected way. Add the fierceness of a female military psychologist with a goal that only the devil can cherish.
It’s a complex tale with lots of meat for thought. Jump scares, creepiness and a touch of fun. I am often complimented on the time I give to other scripts on AOW but I feel a freedom in doing so. I can always find something good in those entries I read, I can see the time and energy expended, the hopes of the writer. I can’t see those things about my own writing, just a gnawing feeling I’ve come up short again. I don’t even know what hopes I have for each one. I may think like many writers do, that someone else will carry this out of the fog into some shining light, but that is, I know, my task to perform. I think I’m getting closer with this one, out of the fog that is.
Title: The Corpse of Bruce Campbell
Genre: Thriller/Dark Comedy
Logline: A penniless horror-obsessed filmmaker tries to steal Bruce Campbell’s corpse for a wealthy necrophiliac in order to finish financing his film.
Why You Should Read: I once attended a screenwriting workshop at Film Independent that was hosted by Corey Mandell (Yes, the writer of Battlefield Earth), where he was trying to convince the crowd that careers are no longer jumpstarted by marketable spec scripts, but instead by scripts that can go viral. Scripts that may not seem like they’ll every get made, but are so intriguing that everyone in Hollywood is being told they need to read it. It seemed crazy at first, but it made a lot of sense. The best way to get a writing assignment is to actually get someone to want to read your script, and if you look at some of the scripts that made it onto the blacklist, such as I Am Ryan Reynolds or Balls Out, they fit the “viral” theory pretty perfectly. So with that in mind, I believe The Corpse of Bruce Campbell has the potential to become the “Two Girls and One Cup” of Hollywood. It’s as funny and suspenseful as it is absurd and outrageous. Plus, anyone who doesn’t consider Bruce Campbell an American hero is either a communist or listens to Macklemore.
Get Your Script Reviewed On Scriptshadow!: To submit your script for an Amateur Review, send in a PDF of your script, along with the title, genre, logline, and finally, something interesting about yourself and/or your script that you’d like us to post along with the script if reviewed. Use my submission address please: Remember that your script will be posted. If you’re nervous about the effects of a bad review, feel free to use an alias name and/or title. It’s a good idea to resubmit every couple of weeks so your submission stays near the top.
Genre: Dramedy
Premise (from writer): Two estranged sisters from New York travel to rural China to receive an inheritance from the father they never knew. Once there, they find themselves on a wild journey of self discovery as they race the clock to pass physical and psychological tests set forth in their father’s will that will earn them his mysterious legacy.
Why You Should Read (from writer): I’ve been an avid reader of SS since its inception, and in fact had two of my first [very shitty] scripts privately reviewed by Carson around the same time he moved to LA. The good news is I managed to get both those scripts to a point where they received 7s on the Blacklist and made finalist in a handful of competitions, the bad news is that the concepts were inherently flawed and would never move beyond this, or get me any read requests. — 4 years and 6 scripts later, I finally feel like the new scripts I’m currently tackling could be ‘the ones’. — Made in China is not one of those scripts. ;) But it is the only script I’ve ever pitched to prodcos and actually got read requests from (no callbacks). So, as ready as I am to throw this script in a draw and move on, I feel like I owe it one last chance to find out why the logline appeals (over 2:1 pitch-/request ratio) and where I’m failing to deliver what I promise in the premise. I’m hoping the generous SS community could tear this apart. I like brutal honesty, it’s the only way to grow. :) Thanks!
Writer: Billie Bates
Details: 92 pages (this is an UPDATED version of the script from last week. Billie has incorporated some of the notes you guys gave her. Of course, I have no way of knowing how much is the same and how much is different)
I was looking forward to reviewing this. I read a couple of Billie B’s scripts a couple of years back when she was just starting out . Although it’s been awhile, I remember her struggling with the typical new-screenwriter problems. Unfocused concepts. Unfocused narratives. Stories that didn’t seem to know what they were.
To see her win an Amateur Offerings round shows just how far she’s come. And it’s a reminder that you can get better with practice and dedication.
One of the advantages I always felt Billie had was her one-of-a-kind life experience. She got to do things that the average person did not. That can allow for a unique perspective when you write. Let’s see if that, along with a couple of extra years of hard work, has resulted in a script of significance.
26 year-old Chinese-American, Lin, is all work and no play. She works for a wind energy company in New York and her mentor boss, Sandra (somehow even MORE work and no play) has Lin in line for a dream promotion if she can land two major deals, one in China and one in Detroit.
On the other side of town is Lucy, Lin’s sister and a 21 year-old VIP bottle service girl. Lucy’s life is… well… a little less focused. She gets drunk at work every night and then posts party pictures to her half-ass party blog the next day. It goes without saying that the two don’t see eye-to-eye on things.
The two get a surprise call from their grandmother who informs them that their absent Chinese father who they never knew just died, and they need to go to China to collect the inheritance. Lucy’s cash-strapped and excited to go. But Lin’s got better things to do than travel halfway across the world to collect a couple hundred yuan.
However, Lin’s company’s Chinese client says they’re making a decision on the account soon, and Sandra encourages Lin to go there and wrap things up. If she does, Sandra assures her, she’ll get that giant promotion.
Lucy’s ecstatic when her older sister wants to go to China with her, having no idea that the real reason Lin is going is for work. And so the trip starts out awkwardly, with Lin looking for ways to ditch Lucy and get her account details taken care of.
Unfortunately, the inheritance turns out to be no simple matter. The holder of the estate, an older Confucius-like figure named Ming, tells them that their father required them to find four separate keys spread throughout the area. Then, and only then, will they receive their inheritance.
Lin is annoyed but Lucy is excited. The two find themselves travelling outside the city to a small village where their mother (who died during Lucy’s birth) and father supposedly met. It is in this serene town that the sisters are finally forced to put down their electronics and busy lives and focus, for the first time, on one another. Fixing their broken relationship, it turns out, will be their true inheritance.
Made in China is a quirky mix of Rain Man, Lost in Translation, and The Descendants – a unique script that takes us on a journey we haven’t quite seen before.
My first thoughts? Wow, Billie has improved A LOT. You can see it in the very first scene. I love the detail where Lin’s over-stressed boss, Sandra, is raking a Japanese garden inside her office, and hands the rake to a confused Lin, informing her to continue raking while she fills her in on the company’s state. The look on Lin’s face as she quietly rakes and listens to her boss is a wonderful little “movie moment.”
The writing was better too – crisper. For example, here’s the description of Lucy: She’s 21, Chinese American, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, nail extensions. Could do with brain extensions.
A lot of the writing is like that – non-perfunctory where you could tell some real thought was put into it (more on that later in the “What I Learned” section).
As I said in the opening, my big question was, could Billie write a script with some actual focus? It’s been so long since I read her first script, but I distinctly remember it was about an elite flight attendant who had gotten a rare job flying around a Saudi Prince, but that that same character also wanted to become a five-star chef.
I was so confused. The character, in addition to flying around with this prince, was practicing cooking, and at one point wanted to be a 5-star AIRLINE chef. And look, we all have this problem in our first few scripts. We seem oblivious to the concept of focus. We feel that as long as we can think it up, we should include it in our story, regardless of whether it has anything to do with the subject matter.
I’m happy to say that Made In China knows exactly what it wants to be. This is about two sisters figuring out their relationship amongst the background of a quirky China trip. Billie does a good job adding a time constraint (they only have a week before Lin must be back for work) as well as stakes (Lucy needs to complete the inheritance quest cause she’s broke – Lin needs to land this account or she loses the promotion). Overall, it was a much cleaner story.
So here’s the 64 thousand dollar question: What’s preventing this script from selling? Or getting Hollywood interested?
This is always hard to answer when you have a competent script, which Made in China is. Sometimes it’s a matter of writing the right script at the right time – you just happen to write a sister-adventure at a moment that Reese Witherspoon is looking for a sister-adventure.
But because you can’t account for those things, you have to look at the script as a whole, and there are a couple of things that popped out to me. First of all, this isn’t a saleable genre. There’s no romantic component here. And while I know that’s becoming a popular war-cry amongst the female screenwriting community – writing a script about women where men don’t play a role in the story – I think that unless you’re writing inside a saleable genre, that Hollywood is still scared of that approach. As forward-thinking as Hollywood is, the average woman in the flyover states sees nothing wrong with plunking down 15 bucks to see a woman swoon over Bradley Cooper.
The other issue is that while Made in China’s execution is good, it’s not great. The relationship issues between Lin and Lucy started to get repetitive quickly. Lin is uptight. Lucy is loosey-goosey. They don’t see eye-to-eye. Are we really exploring any new angles on that on page 65 that we didn’t on page 35? I’m not sure we do.
And that, at least partly, goes back to the lack of a romantic interest. One of the nice things about the similarly constructed Rain Man, about two brothers trying to fix a non-existent relationship, was that there was a third romantic interest character. What that does, besides add the romantic component, is take some pressure off the brother relationship to do ALL the character lifting in the movie. It gave the movie a chance to go off and breathe sometimes away from the brothers. And we didn’t get that here.
And the more I think about it, the more I wonder if this sister relationship was broken ENOUGH. These two didn’t see eye-to-eye, but it was more of a surface-level difference of opinion in the way each lived their lives. There were no deep-rooted issues there. And again, if you’re struggling on page 65 to find a different angle to explore your key relationship from, it’s going to help if the issues in that relationship are more deeply rooted.
Finally, while I thought the end was fun, I’m not sure I bought it. (Spoilers) Ming being the dad was definitely a surprise. But I, surprisingly, didn’t feel anything when that was revealed. A big reason for that was that Ming himself was so surface level (he was basically a much lighter version of Mr. Miagi). Had Billie given Ming more to work with and injected him into the story more thoroughly, I’m sure his reveal at the end would’ve landed with more gravitas.
So in the end, Made in China suffers one of the most frustrating fates a screenplay can suffer from. It’s a “pat on the back” script – a script you read and say to yourself afterwards, “Not bad.” Here’s the thing to remember though. That’s a TREMENNNNNNDOUS accomplishment. The large majority of scripts out there are unreadable past page 15. But, unfortunately, it’s not the kind of script that opens doors. It’s not the kind of script where you go, “Whoa. I have to tell someone about this right away!” To do that, you gotta have something extra (a big concept, something controversial, a super-unique voice, a flashy key character). And I suppose that’s why it’s not kicking up more interest. Still, Billie should be very proud of how far she’s come. Keep at it!
Script link: Made In China
[ ] what the hell did I just read?
[x] wasn’t for me
[ ] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: I notice a lot of writers putting in strong line-by-line writing effort in the first act, who then abandon that attention-to-detail later on in the script. It’s not a mystery why this happens. As writers, we tend to spend five times as much time on our first act than the other acts (a big mistake, by the way). But if you really want to impress the reader, make sure you’re bringing that line-by-line attention-to-detail just as much on page 70 as you did on page 20. I loved that description of Lucy early on: She’s 21, Chinese American, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, nail extensions. Could do with brain extensions. But I wasn’t getting those kinds of lines later in the script.
The article title may seem like an outrageous claim, but I’d bet my life on it. Read on to find out more!
I’m going to let you in on a little industry secret that will increase your chances of selling a script one hundred-fold. That is no exaggeration, my friend. Of course, a major concession will have to be made. You will need to write somebody else’s story. Or, at least, the core of the concept will not be yours. But this shouldn’t matter to you. Writing other peoples’ ideas is how the Hollywood screenwriting business operates.
So how does this magical pill work? Well, we all know that Hollywood is an IP-driven business. They want their Twilights, their Avengers, their Lara Crofts, because all of these properties already have a built-in audience. That’s what Hollywood is paying for when it buys a Harry Potter. An audience they know will spend money to watch their films.
But there’s a loophole to this strategy – a way to appeal to audiences just as big, but that will cost the studio nothing more than the price of your script (pennies compared to a deal for The Hunger Games). If you’re a studio head looking for any bargain you can find, that sounds like a deal too good to pass up. So what’s the loophole?
The public domain.
These are properties that have lapsed past the required 92 years in which a property can be owned, and are now available to anyone to write about. There are TONS of great (and popular!) stories that are available to you in the public domain.
And Hollywood loves these properties. Sure, they don’t have the “newness” factor of, say, a Katniss Everdeen. But in a way they have something better. LONGETIVITY. A proven track record that they’ve worked over and over again.
Now when I first started writing, I hated the idea of the public domain. Why would I write some bunk idea from a guy who died 200 years ago? Ahh, but here’s the thing. Nobody said you had to write the same story they did. And actually, you don’t want to write the same story. You want to put a NEW spin on the story. You want to make it yours. And the options to do this are as endless as your imagination.
You could write a version of Alice in Wonderland that takes place in the BDSM world. Or Romeo and Juliet set 3000 years in the future. You can also invigorate a property by changing up the genre, time, or origin of the character itself. Write a romantic comedy about Dracula. Write a Western about Frankenstein. Turn Cinderella into the bad guy. Or a man! I actually had that idea once, about an average-looking plumber named Syd E. Rella who finds himself at a large charity auction and strikes up a flirtationship with the beautiful CEO of the biggest company in the city.
There are so many examples of these scripts selling. There was a dark serial killer script where Peter Pan was the killer and Hook was the detective that sold a few years ago. A script about The Count of Monte Cristo set 30 years in the future that sold two years ago. Snow White and the Huntsman sold for 1.5 million bucks and we all know how much money that movie went on to make. One writer even got creative and went past Pinocchio to focus on his father, Geppetto.
The point being: Let your mind roam free. Find a popular property in the public domain and put your spin on it. I PROMISE you that saying, “I have a script about a bored suburban man who builds a time machine in his basement that’s based on H.G. Wells, “The Time Machine,” is going to get a lot more attention from agents than, “I have a script about a bored suburban man who builds a time machine in his basement” by itself. Whether it’s fair or not, that’s how the business works.
So with that in mind, here are the top 25 works/authors in the public domain. Feel free to suggest any that I missed in the comments section. If they’re obvious ones, I’ll add them.
1) Alice in Wonderland
2) The Wizard of Oz
3) Cinderella
4) Frankenstein
5) Peter Pan (better lay off this one for awhile)
6) Robin Hood
7) Sleeping Beauty
8) Edgar Allan Poe’s work (The Raven, Tell-Tale Heart, etc.)
9) H.P. Lovecraft’s work (selected stuff – do your research)
10) H.G. Wells’ work (The Time Machine, War of the Worlds)
11) Pinocchio
12) Brothers Grimm (Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel)
13) Jules Verne’s work (Around the World in 80 Days, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
14) Mark Twain’s work (Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn)
15) Robert Louis Stevenson’s work (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island)
16) All the Greek myths (Zeus, Medusa, etc.)
17) Shakespeare’s work
18) The Count of Monte Cristo
19) Dracula
20) Robinson Crusoe
21) Sherlock Holmes (This is touchy one though. Do your homework)
22) Sleepy Hollow
23) The Great Gatsby (just entered the public domain)
24) Gulliver’s Travels
25) Charles Dickens’ work (Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Great Expectations)
My suggestion would be to find one of these characters/stories that appeal to you and then find an angle that’s never been done before. That’s how your script is going to stand out. Feel free to test your public domain loglines in the comments below. Upvote the best ones and who knows, we may just find a few great scripts to write. For more works in the public domain, check out this link here, and this one here. Looking through each list, I’ve already found a handful of ideas I’d want to turn into movies. Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game?” Sign me up!
A big new juicy sci-fi spec about gravity-loss just sold a couple of weeks ago. I’ll try to keep my feet firmly on the ground as I review it.
Genre: Science-Fiction
Premise: A gravitational anomaly has sucked four-fifths of the world’s population into the atmosphere. A small team of scientists must travel across San Francisco during the phenomena to find the cure before it’s too late.
About: Visionary filmmaker, Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass, Kingsman), is taking a rare step into NON-IP fare. That’s right. A major Hollywood filmmaker is directing a SPEC SCREENPLAY. This should give your little screenplay typing fingers some goosebumps cause it means that the SPEC IS BACK, BABY! Okay, maybe I’m hyperbolizing. But it’s still pretty cool. Screenwriter Shannon Triplett sold the script to Fox for mid-six against seven figures. While he worked in some small assistant capacity on Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla, and has done some special effects for movies such as “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,” this is his first breakthrough on the screenwriting front. Triplett looks to have used some of those effects skills to market his script, including some concept art, which you can find in the screenplay.
Writer: Shannon Triplett
Details: 115 pages
I know a lot of you screenwriting purists hate the idea of concept art in screenplays, but the way I look at it is that there are so many reasons to say no to a project – Like the fact that this movie will cost 120 million dollars and isn’t based on any IP – you need ways to turn the head-shake into the head-nod. One way is to actually show them imagery from your movie.
Now it’s gotta be professional. And I’m going to make a sweeping statement here that’ll be harsh but hopefully save you from embarrassment in the future. Unless you get paid as an artist, DO NOT try to create your imagery yourself. Even if it’s pretty decent, it will look 19 levels worse than the concept art the average studio exec is used to looking at. So it’s just not a good idea. Trust me. I know you’re talented. But you’re not as good as the guy who does it 9 hours a day 360 days a year.
If you’re going to include concept art, you’re going to have to pay some money to get professional work done. Paying money to write a script may sound counterintuitive. But what you have to remember is it’s an investment. You’re investing in something that IMPROVES your chances of selling your script.
It’s up to you whether you think the investment is worth the potential payoff, but if you’re writing some grand scale summer flick that’s never been done before, it might be helpful for the reader to see a visual example of what you’re going for. Who knows? The right image – something that perfectly encapsulates your movie – might be the thing that tips the script-sale-needle in your favor.
Liam West is a theoretical physicist. And no, I don’t know what that is either. But under these circumstances, that title is really important. You see, after two months of global gravity fluctuation, everything starts shooting up into the sky at once.
Liam is able to get to a military bunker with his wife and kids, but his wife isn’t able to make it inside, and is left out in the unpredictable elements of gravity-less San Francisco. Now that is not a San Francisco treat.
After a couple of months, Liam, a group of scientists, and a group of soldiers, decide to trek across San Francisco to Stanford, where an old colleague of Liam’s may be finishing up a cure for the gravity issue.
The group has to use spiked-shoes and mountain-climbing poles to stay attached to the earth, lest they float into the sky like a bundle of birthday balloons. As you might guess, this absurdly imperfect approach (I thought these guys were scientists!) results in a new phenomena known as “Scientists go bye-bye into sky-sky.”
Liam decides, mid-trek, that he wants to see if his wife is still earthbound. So the group detours, only to get attacked by a gravity surviving militia. They somehow escape these gravity bullies, and eventually make it to Stanford. But barely anything there still works, and Liam’s friend only has one risky experiment left to try. If that doesn’t pan out, everyone’s going to be spending their next vacation dodging 747s.
This is how you sell a script if you’re a beginner to intermediate screenwriter. You can tell Triplett is still learning the ropes here. Not enough big shit happens. There isn’t enough urgency. And while there are attempts to create character depth, those attempts are scattered and unfocused. I never had a sense of who Liam was or what his flaw was as a human being. This was even more evident with the supporting characters.
Okay, you say, Carson, so if I’m working my ass off for an entire year to give each of my characters emotionally captivating character arcs, why does his script sell and mine is sucking up viruses on my hard drive?
Quite simply, it’s the concept. This is a big idea concept that gives audiences something they’ve never seen before. And that’s a valuable commodity in the movie business because you just don’t see that kind of opportunity often when you’re buying screenplays.
A way to look at it is like this. Let’s say you’re a basketball GM. And you need to figure out who you’re drafting next. It’s come down to two guys. The first guy is 5’10”, scores 23 points a game, shoots 90% from the free-throw line, and is superb at dishing the ball. The second guy is 6’8”, scores 8 points a game, shoots 60% from the line, and is able to jump out of the gym when he dunks. Who do you choose?
It seems easy. The first guy is a much better all-around player, right? Okay, so what’s the hold-up? I’ll take the first guy. Ehhh, except there’s one problem. The other guy is 6’8”. And 90% of the time, the GM is going to pick the 6’8” guy because even though he’s not as good as 5’10” guy, he has a much higher ceiling. Hollywood sees screenplays the same way. Ascension is not as good as an amateur script I read just last week about a used-car salesman. But Ascension is 6’8”. It has way more upside.
And you have to remember: Hollywood can always hire somebody to beef up the character stuff. This is actually the number one reason you see a script sell for so much money and then a new writer gets hired. That always used to seem ridiculous to me (“You just paid all this money! Now you want to change it??”). But after reading all these script sales over the years, I’d think studios were crazy NOT to do this.
This is why guys like Scott Frank and Allan Loeb and Brian Helgeland make so much money. Because they’re the only ones who truly know how to go in there and add depth to the characters (which is why I told you last week that if you want to break into this business, learn character!).
Which brings us back to Ascension as a script. Was it any good? You know, it was all right. But it was also frustrating. I didn’t get the sense that Triplett really researched what this phenomena would be like. It seems like the planet had months to prepare before the actual gravity-strike hit. So why didn’t they fortify the underground city structures to house the general populace?
Why is it that the best travelling arrangement five of the smartest scientists in the world could come up with was wearing spiked boots? There was a lot of stuff that felt like it was thrown onto the page without much thought (another common thread with young screenwriters – they rarely challenge themselves to go deeper). After watching how far The Martian went to make sure all of its science was spot on, Ascension was stumbling around like it was wearing beer-goggles.
I also felt that not nearly enough obstacles were thrown at our characters. The worst they had to deal with was a steep cliff and a tiny local militia. We just talked about this the other day. If you want to get the most drama out of your idea, you need to hit your hero with “Holy shit how are they going to get out of this?” type obstacles. Not a few stray bullets from people who have never shot a gun before.
So yeah, I had some problems with the script. But I understand why it was purchased. Triplett made the wise decision to enter the draft with the 6’8” guy as opposed the 5’10” one. How tall is your concept?
[ ] what the hell did I just read?
[x] wasn’t for me
[ ] worth the read
[ ] impressive
[ ] genius
What I learned: Become an internet troll to make your script better! Internet trolls care about one thing and one thing only: tearing things down. While that can suck on the internet, it can actually be helpful when you’re writing a screenplay. After you’ve finished your script, put your internet troll hat on, and go through your screenplay with a troll’s mentality. The idea here is tear your script apart. You do this because the screenwriter side of you is too afraid to face the script’s problems. He’d rather live in ignorant bliss. Internet troll you? He’s relentless! And we need relentless. After the troll’s done, you’ll be able to fix all those weak nonsensical things you were ignoring. Had Triplett used his inner troll, he would’ve spotted a few curious problemos with Ascension.
1) Why aren’t there a lot more people still alive? It seems like all you’d have to do is stay in your home. When you needed to go out, you just wear spike-shoes like the scientists did.
2) If the world knew this was going to happen months ahead of time, why wasn’t a better infrastructure put in place to keep society going?
3) Why is all communication down? Again, they knew this was coming.
4) Why can’t people just live underground? Especially in San Francisco, which has a huge underground metro system.