For those playing catch-up, Twit-Pitch was a contest I held where anyone could pitch me their screenplay on Twitter as long as it was contained within a single tweet. I chose the top one hundred loglines from those pitches and read the first 10 pages of each, which I live-reviewed on Twitter every evening (join me on Twitter – just yesterday I reached 10,000 followers!), giving writers a rare look into a reader’s head as the screenplay was being read. It was an interesting experience. To read the original discussion of the loglines and contest, head over to the 1300-comment post that occurred afterwards.
So where are we now? Well, the contest resulted in seven scripts whose first 10 pages were so good, they automatically advanced to the finals. There were then twenty “maybes,” pages that were good enough to catch my interest, but not good enough to automatically advance. I went back through those 20 “First Tens” and read them again, picking 13 to join the other 7 in the finals.
Now before I get to the finalists, I want to point out the biggest problem I ran into while reading everyone’s first ten pages. It’s something that happened too many times. There were a LOT of great first scenes, but a lot of bad SECOND scenes.
This is a devastating mistake to make because it speaks to a bigger issue. New writers LOVE writing first scenes. They LOVE pulling the audience in with something wild or weird or different or exciting. But the second they get to their second scene, which usually involves meeting their main character, they stumble around a formless scenario that only barely resembles a movie scene.
In other words, they don’t approach their second scene with the same gusto and “this has to be great” approach they do their first scene. And not surprisingly, this approach continues throughout the script. There are key scenes (the inciting incident, the scene where the hero gets his powers, the scene where the hero meets the female lead, the final battle) where the writer puts everything he has into them. But every other scene? They’re just trying to get through it.
Please – CHANGE THIS APPROACH! Sure, a scene where we meet our main character may not initially seem as exciting as that opening scene where the aliens land on earth. But your job as a writer is to make it JUST AS ENTERTAINING!
Out of curiosity, I watched John Carter yesterday, and was shocked to see that even the highest level professionals make this mistake. We start off with some sort of Mars battle (which wasn’t very good – but at least something was happening). Then we cut to our main character, John Carter, being secretly followed by someone through an Old West town. Carter realizes he’s being followed and knows he has to ditch the tail. So what does he do? He darts behind a group of people. The tail keeps walking, losing him, and we see that John Carter has blended in by keeping his back turned towards us while flirting with a random woman.
At that moment, I knew the movie was screwed. If the writer wasn’t trying to come up with an inventive ditch scene in the very second scene of the movie, then how could I expect him to try on the 20th scene in the movie, or the 30th? I mean look at another chase scene – the Millennium Falcon trying to ditch a Star Destroyer in Empire Strikes Back. You know what happens in that scene? Han Solo turns around and ATTACKS A SHIP 10,000 TIMES BIGGER THAN HIS. The Empire is so surprised, they don’t know what to do. Then, the Falcon disappears from their radar. We eventually learn that Solo has attached his ship to the side of the Star Destroyer, making him invisible. THAT’S a clever scene. THAT’S a scene where the writers actually tried.
The point here is that you can NEVER TAKE SCENES OFF IN A SCRIPT. There shouldn’t be a single scene where you say, “I just need to get through this.” You should try to write the best scene possible every time out. Even if it’s a freaking exposition scene. You need to try and write the best exposition scene you can possibly write. Because I guarantee you, if you take scenes off, we’ll get bored. Don’t EVER let the reader get bored. Always do your best.
Okay, sorry about that. Done with my rant. Here were the original Top 100 of the First Annual Scriptshadow Twit-Pitch Contest. And now HERE are the Top 20 finalists. I will be reading these scripts in full (possibly on Twitter – but still haven’t decided yet) and announcing a winner in 6-8 weeks. Read the first 10 of each yourself and let me know who your frontrunners are.
1) RE-ENACTMENT – A civil war expert and his son must fight to survive a reenactment organized by a dangerous southern cult.
2) THE TRADITION – 1867 After losing her father, a woman unwittingly takes a job as a maid at a countryhouse of aristocratic cannibals.
3) SECOND CHANCE – After winning a nationwide lottery a man must decide what to do with his prize, fifteen minutes of advice to give to his younger self.
4) THE PROVING GROUND – 9 strangers wake in a deserted Mexican town besieged by killing machines: they must discover why they’ve been brought there to survive.
5) TUNDRA – When a U-Boat vanishes in the 1940s, it leads a team of American GIs to a terrifying secret trapped beneath the ice of Antarctica.
6) GUEST – After checking into a hotel to escape her abusive husband, a woman realizes guests in the next room are holding a young girl hostage.
7) GUNPLAY – A terrorist with a $10 mill bounty, a callous soldier of fortune and a mysterious man with no name walk into a bar in Afghanistan.
8) FATTIES – When a lonely masochistic chubby chaser is abducted by two fat lesbian serial killers, it’s the best thing that ever happened to him.
9) RING OF LIAR – A lifelong bachelor accidentally proposes to his clingy girlfriend then tries to trick her into dumping him, but the tables soon turn.
10) THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS – Man loves woman whose dreams predict future, but future she sees isn’t with him. Can he convince her to choose love over fate?
11) THE LAST ROUGH RIDER – It’s 1901. Terrorists have just taken over the White House. And only Theodore Roosevelt can stop them.
12) WOODEN – 22yrs old and tired of the pain and suffering of being a real boy,Pinocchio embarks on a journey to get turned back into a puppet.
13) EVERYTHING FALLS APART – When the world’s biggest superhero agreed to grant a dying boy’s last wish, he didn’t count on the boy wishing for all his powers.
14) UNTITLED WRIGHT BROTHERS – In 1903 North Carolina, the Wright bros attempt the first flight, but shenanigans arise when they fall in love with the same woman.
15) CUT, COPY, PASTE – A group of friends returns from a time-travel fieldtrip to find a nerdy student has altered his past turning him into a living legend.
16) CHAMPAGNE HIGHWAY – A man trying to solve the mystery of his con artist grandfather must overcome his own beliefs and the resistance of his broken family.
17) RIDING THE GRAVY TRAIN – With his favorite fast-food sandwich facing its final week before it’s phased out forever, an obsessed man leads a protest to save it.
18) SANTA MUST DIE – A group of last-minute shoppers trapped in a mall on Christmas Eve are stalked by a demon-possessed Santa. Horror/Comedy.
19) CRIMSON ROAD – Can it get any worse than living next door to a serial killer? It can if you live on CRIMSON ROAD… the whole street is full of them.
20) DOUCHE PATROL – Two partners in the newly created Douche Patrol try to expose a plot to douchify the masses through a reality TV show.
The writers of these scripts have 2 weeks FROM TODAY to get their full scripts to me. If they don’t, I have one alternate ready to take their place, “The Giant’s Passage.” – So hurry up guys!
Genre: Drama? Sci-fi? Comedy?
Premise: In the near future, a new scientific procedure allows people to shrink themselves to four inches tall, which reduces their carbon imprint on the planet, putting less stress on the environment. But this shrinking leads to a whole new set of problems.
Am I in the Twilight Zone?
This has to be one of the strangest scripts I’ve ever read by a professional screenwriter. Even Charlie Kaufman is going, “Dude, you went off the reservation with this one, buddy.”
Now going off the reservation can be a good thing. Most writers write stories smack dab in the middle of the reservation. Which is why they’re so predictable and boring. This is anything but predictable. However, there’s a point when you have to say, “Maybe I’ve gone too far.” And, actually, it appears that this Academy Award Winning writer realized that, which is why he made The Descendants instead.
So what is Downsizing?
Maybe I’ll find out during this review.
A Norweigen scientist named Dr. Jorgen Asbjornsen accidentally discovers how to shrink living matter down to 1/6000thof its original size. The implications of this are extraordinary. In a world where we’re destroying our resources on an hourly basis, the idea of shrinking someone down to the point where they leave 1/6000th of a carbon footprint on the planet could be the difference between losing our world and saving it.
Four years later, “downsizing” is becoming a niche trend. It’s not just about saving the environment, either. Because you consume so little as a little guy, downsizing makes you RICH beyond your wildest dreams. A couple hundred thousand bucks translates to the equivalent of 20 million bucks in the downsized world. Think about it. A normal big mac could feed 4000 downsized people. A downsized mansion only needs eight feet of space.
The central hub for most downsized peeps is a place called Leisureland Estates – the first full-time city dedicated to downsized folks. It’s here where our hero, the underachieving painfully unambitious Paul, is thinking of spending his future. Paul doesn’t have a lot of money. He’s one of many Americans feeling the pinch of that day to day grind. Miniaturizing himself would change all that. He’d be rich. He’d never have to worry about money again. It seems like a win-win.
After speaking to his wishy-washy wife, Audrey, she agrees to go through the process with him. So after all the prep and legalese, the two are split up, shaved, oiled, and thrown into the gamma-ray shrinking whatchumacalit. But when Paul comes out, he notices that his wife isn’t around.
Yup, turns out his wife chickened out. She doesn’t want to be miniaturized. Paul is furious, but in that way that some ladies are known to do, ahem, she turns it around and blames it on him. Either way, it’s over. Miniaturizing is irreversible and it’s kind of hard to have a relationship with someone 20 times your size.
But this is where Downsizing gets really freaky. We switch gears to a group of downsized Chinese immigrants who try to sneak into America via a TV box. All of them die except for one, a woman named Gong Jiang, who’s just barely survived, even though she lost her foot in the process.
Apparently China was illegally miniaturizing people to put less strain on the country and these test subjects had escaped. So we’re going to get a feel-good story about this miniaturized woman overcoming adversity, right?
Errr, no.
Gong is the most annoying person you can imagine. And not in a subjective way. She’s written to be REALLY ANNOYING. She barely speaks English and spends the majority of her time chastising everyone for not doing enough to help the world. She’s baffled by how much the Americans waste, going so far as to recycle their trash, since much of it could still be used in China.
What this has to do with the story, I have no idea.
Eventually, some international businessman named Javier enters Paul’s life and tries to get him back on track. But Paul is still devastated by the loss of Audrey, even though it happened over a year ago. Move on buddy. It’s over. Nope. Instead, Paul is inactive and boring and whiney. Is there ANY character we want to root for here??
Even now, I’m not sure what happens at the end. I know they go off to some Mexican version of Leisureland where everyone’s much poorer. It’s there where Paul and Javier and Gong all connect. A love story develops between Gong and Paul, even though she’s annoying and the two have absolutely no chemistry. It’s as if Payne said – “well, they’re the male and female leads in the film, so they HAVE to get together!”
Paul continues to be depressed. Gong continues to be annoying. And Javier continues to derail the story with random missions. And that, my friends, is Downsizing!
There are so many things wrong with this script, I don’t know where to begin. I’m desperately hoping this is an early draft and Payne was just trying to get all his thoughts down on paper. I also have to take into consideration that Payne is such a unique voice that some of the things that don’t make sense on the page will make sense on the screen. And finally, all writer-directors tend to overwrite, since they use the script to remind them what to shoot later on.
But even with all that, this is a mess. First of all, the main character is passive. This is like Screenwriting 101 – one of the first things you learn. If your main character isn’t after anything, the whole movie’s going to sit there. Look at Payne’s last movie, The Descendents. Clooney had to take care of all the logistical stuff before pulling the plug on his wife. Not the most heartwarming story but at least he was ACTIVE. At least he had things to do.
Paul just sits around feeling sorry for himself 75% of the time. When you do that, it makes the character boring and by association the story boring. So the script was pretty much doomed from the start. Even if everything else was perfect, that component of a story is so important that it’s a bona fide script killer.
Then Payne makes the decision to have about a dozen time jumps in the movie. Pulling off ONE time jump in a script is hard enough. And it usually needs to happen right away, like within 10 pages of the opening after a flashback sequence or something. But here we get 4 month jumps, 4 year jumps, six month jumps, 2 year jumps. When you have so many jumps, it sucks all the urgency out of your story. And as we all know from GSU, you want SOME sense of urgency in your story.
Again, to use The Descendents as an example, the urgency came via the need to sign the deal with the hotel owners to net himself and his family members millions of dollars. I think it was something like a two week deadline. This gave that story a sense of urgency. Imagine if we would’ve taken a 2 year jump in the middle of that story. Then a 2 month jump. Then an 8 month jump. We would’ve been like, “Huh?”
And I get that Downsizing is a different story with a trickier setup – one that seemingly requires time to pass so we can push the evolution of downsizing along. But that’s one of the challenges you have to figure out as a screenwriter. You have to figure out a way to place us in the now, not in twelve different “nows.”
I mean sure, Mad Max could’ve had a 50 minute prelude that took place over several time periods to show us how we got to a point where the last remaining people on earth were fighting for fuel, but instead they gave us a 2-minute opening montage/voice over and put us smack dab in the “present” in order to give the story urgency.
But where this script really went off the rails for me was Gong. I have no idea why this character was included or what the hell she had to do with the rest of the story.
I mean, why give her an amputated foot? What did that have to do with ANYTHING? It just felt like the entire movie turned into something else once she arrived. And worst of all, that movie could’ve taken place outside the downsized world. Why create a movie about downsizing if you’re not going to explore the specific issues of being downsized?
And who is Javier? I still don’t know. All I know is that on page 100, he practically becomes the protagonist.
I am BEYOND BAFFLED by this screenplay. It’s so bizarre. It’s so off. It’s so all over the place…I’m still not sure what I read. And you know what that means…