Genre: Period/Historical
Genre: Sci-Fi
Genre: Comedy
Premise: (Original Twit-Pitch Logline) Two partners in the newly created Douche Patrol try to expose a plot to douchify the masses through a reality TV show.
About: For those recently joining Scriptshadow, I held a contest a few months back called “Twit-Pitch,” where anyone could pitch me their screenplay on Twitter, as long as it was contained within a single tweet. I picked my 100 favorite loglines and read the first 10 pages of each (which I live-reviewed on Twitter), and then from those, picked the Top 20, which I’ll read the entire screenplay for. This is one of the finalists.
Writer: William A. Lawrence
Details: 103 pages
We’re back with another Twit-Pitch contestant. There are 20 finalists and as of now I have…….18 left to read. I’m so cruising. And I’m not going to lie – there’s a bit of planning involved in reviewing these scripts. I’m saving the ones I think are going to be best for last. That’s not to say I’m expecting the scripts I review early to suck. They just have little things that concern me here and there, like today’s script, Douche Patrol.
Douche Patrol has one of those loglines that makes you laugh but also makes you wonder, “Is this an entire film?” I mean can you extend a premise like this out for a full 100 minutes? That’s what I was worried about, even though I laughed my ass off during those first 10. Well, let’s hope William pulls it off. He’s been the epitome of an anti-douchebag to me on Twitter, so I’m rooting for him.
Late 20s Ryan Connor has a problem with douchebags. His parents were killed by one. Which is why he’s the star cop in a new police division specifically built to take down douchebags. If you’re driving a lime green Honda Civic, blasting obnoxious music, reclined 70% back, talking on your phone? The Douche Patrol is going to get you.
Ryan’s partner is the alcoholic overly shy Jenna Snow. Jenna believes just as much in taking douches down as Ryan. She’s just not as vocal about it. In fact, Jenna has such a problem voicing her opinion on anything, she’s turned heavily to the drink and secretly goes to public speaking courses at night.
After a routine takedown of a douchebag, Ryan and Jenna are led to a sex bomb MILF named Marlene Cardrow (think Sharon Stone). Marlene seems to be associated with a lot of douchebags, and they want to know why. But Marlene is cool as a cucumber. It turns out she’s a casting director for reality TV shows. It’s her job to go out there and look for douchebags to put on these shows.
That’s good enough for Ryan, who’s instantly smitten by Marlene, but Jenna’s not swayed. Something more is going on here. It takes her awhile to convince Ryan, but she finally does, and this leads them to realize Marlene is working for a huge reality TV show producer who’s using reality TV to douchify the masses so that he can get them to buy all the stupid douchey things that douchebags buy. It will take everything in Ryan and Jenna’s arsenal to eliminate this producer’s douchiness and stop the douchefying before it’s too late!
I’ll be frank with you – I’m still not sure what constitutes being a douchebag. I think about this often actually. Isn’t the saying that if you don’t see the big deal about something, then maybe you ARE that something? So maybe I’m a douchebag. I don’t know. I mean I definitely don’t own a lime green Honda Civic. So I’m probably not a major douchebag. But still.
All right, we’re getting off track here. Which is douchey. Douche Patrol is pretty much what I was afraid it was going to be. It’s a funny idea for about 25 pages, and then when story and character development need to kick in, it loses steam.
That’s not for lack of trying on William’s part. He does his best to add a story here. But the thing with really broad premises is that it’s difficult to add depth to them. Broad and depth just don’t mesh. That’s why broad usually works best in a half hour format (Seinfeld, Family Guy, etc.) where it doesn’t have to come up with some big elaborate storyline to keep you involved.
I mean take Jenna for instance. William worked really hard to create a developed character here, but it just didn’t fit. Jenna is an alcoholic?? In a movie about douche patrolling? That doesn’t work. Indeed, her storyline (where she sneaks off after work and downs bottles of whiskey) feels as awkward as cleaning up a used douche. In a drama, sure. But not in a kooky broad comedy.
Speaking of Jenna, if I were William, I would turn her into a guy. I know making her a girl is unique – but different doesn’t always mean better. In addition to that, the whole thing where she’s quiet doesn’t play. Scripts don’t work well with silent characters because we just end up forgetting they’re there. And again, in a movie as broad as this, you want the sidekick to be fun, not mute. Turning Jenna into a guy and making him a lot funnier is definitely the way to go here. Jenna, as she stands, is the worst part of the screenplay.
The plot also had problems. Once we arrest Lime Green Honda Civic Dude, Ryan seems hellbent on finding and questioning Marlene. But it’s never clear exactly why. She’s been seen in a picture with him, but I don’t know why that constitutes concentrating an entire investigation on her. Also, because the reasoning for questioning her is so murky, I’m never sure what he’s asking her for or about. I get that in general it’s about her hanging around douches, but again, that’s not enough.
If I were William, I’d establish that they’ve been looking for a MYSTERIOUS SUPER DOUCHEBAG (possibly the producer) for a long time. But as of now, he’s just a mystery man to them. There are no leads. When they find Marlene, there’s some suspicious backstory on her that alludes to her maybe knowing this Super Douche, and that’s why they go after her. There are fragments of this approach in the script, but they’re too vague. They need to be clear. Remember, this is the plot point that’s driving your entire investigation. It can’t be confusing.
This is where a lot of comedy scripts end up. They have funny moments, but not enough story. Coming up with a comedy interesting enough (and with high enough stakes) to last an entire 100 minutes is one of those challenges that screenwriters get paid the big bucks for. Make us care beyond the gimmick and you’re golden.
Genre: Historical (1986)
Premise: An unorthodox scientist is brought in to investigate why the 1986 shuttle, Challenger, exploded after take-off.
About: The writer of today’s script, Nicole Perlman, is writing Marvel’s “Guardians Of The Galaxy” script. Perlman is making Variety look good as she was listed a couple of year’s ago on their “Ten Writers To Watch” list. I believe Perlman wrote Challenger while still in college. The script finished on 2005’s inaugural Black List. There have since been two drafts (in 2008 and 2012) which I couldn’t get my hands on. I hear they address some of the questions I bring up in today’s review though. :)
Writer: Nicole Perlman
Details: 114 pages (March 20, 2005 draft)
On any other week, Challenger would probably be getting a more adoring write-up. Unfortunately, it’s coming on the heels of recent Top 25’er, The Ends Of The Earth. Maybe if the lead character was having sex with his grandmother, it might’ve had a better chance. But it turns out this is just your basic straightforward investigation flick.
Okay, maybe not that straightforward. The lead is 69 years old. And he’s dying of 2 very rare forms of cancer. And he was directly involved in The Manhattan Project. Some would even say he was the guy who gave birth to the atom bomb. So I guess Challenger wasn’t that basic at all. But was it good? That’s all that matters, right?
The aforementioned Dr. Richard Feynman is a physics professor at Caltech. Feynman is very much a scientist. He hasn’t combed his hair in 20 years. And the things that get him giggly aren’t Seinfeld re-runs, but rather mathematical equations that would stump even Will Hunting.
What makes Feynman different, though, is that he’s fun and easygoing. He likes cracking jokes, never taking anything too seriously, and flirting with girls a third his age. Even though there’s a cancer eating away at his stomach that will soon end his life, the man seems pretty upbeat.
That upbeat life is going swimmingly until, like the rest of the nation, he watches the Challenger space shuttle explode on TV. It was a big deal at the time because nothing bad had ever happened with the space shuttle. It was seen, in many ways, as flawless. But flawless space vehicles don’t go kaboom on their way up to space, do they?
An independent committee is immediately put together to find out what went wrong. But the deck is stacked. Everyone on the committee has close ties to NASA. Most of their jobs depend on them. So are they really going to blame the organization if they find out they did something wrong?
They have to look at least SOMEWHAT impartial. So they bring Feynman in. At first Feynman doesn’t want to be involved (refusal of the call!), but when whispers surface that there may be a cover-up, he’s all in. You see, Feynman’s life up to that point had been defined by his involvement with the atom bomb. He’s indirectly linked to a lot of deaths. He believes that if he can find out what went wrong here, maybe he can change that legacy. Maybe he can be remembered for saving lives instead of ending them.
As cute and cuddly a story as that is, the NASA brass could give two shits. They have an institution to protect. And they’re not going to let some renegade scientist come in and embarrass them. At the top of that list is former Secretary of State William P. Rogers. Rogers sees Feynman as the enemy, the one person who could screw this up. And he’s all over him from day one.
While the rest of the committee plays along with NASA’s farce of an investigation, Feynman breaks rules wherever he goes. For example, the rocket technicians have mysteriously all gone on vacation the day Feynman’s supposed to interview them. No problem. He finds them and interviews them anyway. Or when the committee is inexplicably not allowed to look at the wreckage, he pretends to be one of the seniors on a Kennedy Space Center tour to get his hands on the shuttle.
The investigation eventually leads him to something called an “O-ring,” which is supposed to keep the rocket fuel from leaking. However, it looks like the rings were faulty, that fuel DID leak, and that’s what caused the crash. The question is, why did it happen? And why wasn’t it prevented? What Feynman will find is that a lot of people inside NASA knew about the faulty O-rings but went ahead with the launch anyway. Now it’s a matter of naming those people, even if puts America’s entire space program in jeopardy.
Initial thoughts on this one? A good script! Especially if it was, indeed, written by someone in college. Whenever you have scripts like this one, you gotta have a great lead character – since the lead character is everything. A dying unorthodox sex-obsessed Manhattan-Project vet scientist? I’d say that’s a pretty darn interesting character.
The mystery itself is pretty interesting as well. There’s something about big powerful entities that are guilty of something trying to protect themselves that audiences love to watch. We want to see that entity go down. It’s why we were so obsessed with Watergate, with Penn State, with Maddof. We want people who think they’re above the law to be held accountable! Throw a likable underdog in there as the one who’s trying to expose them, and it’s hard to fuck that story up.
But therein lies the one major issue with Challenger. I’m not sure there’s a big enough conspiracy here. I mean there was a conspiracy, but it was kind of tame. There was pressure for NASA to launch the shuttle. A bunch of engineers said it was too cold. NASA ignored them and launched anyway. The o-rings busted as a result and the shuttle exploded.
I don’t know. I guess that’s bad. But it lacks the true nefarious evil decision that makes a conspiracy pop. I mean I still don’t know who made the ultimate decision to launch the shuttle. It’s just “NASA.” Even our villain in the movie, Rogers, had nothing to do with it. So in the end, I’m left wondering who I’m supposed to hate. Who I’m supposed to be happy went down. It’d be like writing The Shawshank Redemption without the warden character. At the end, the police decide there was a problem with “the prison” in general. How satisfying would that have been?
Not only that, but Challenger’s ending kind of…sorry but I have to do it…disintegrates. After Feynman threatens to expose his findings to the media, Rogers convinces him that if he does, the president won’t find out what really happened. So he says if he keeps quiet, he’ll attach Feynman’s findings in a brief to the president. Feynman then agrees to this!
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. First, if Feynman exposes his findings to the media, and every newspaper in the country prints them…THE PRESIDENT WON’T FIND OUT??? That makes no sense whatsoever. But what really chapped my ass was that, Feynman, who we’ve established as an untrusting loner who does things his own way, agrees to this!!!
This was a huge fault in the script (you never want your characters acting out of character – especially during crucial plot points) and when Rogers, of course, rewrote Feynman’s findings to make NASA look good, I was on Rogers side. I thought, “Good. If you were stupid enough to agree to that, you deserve to get screwed.” Not exactly the feeling you want your reader to have during the climax of the story.
So I think that ending needs to be cleaned up if this movie’s ever to be made. BUT, having said that, I do think there’s something here. The main character is a great one (until the late moment). The story is naturally dramatic with tons of conflict. And if we can establish a BIG VILLAIN who we get to see go down, the ending will live up to everything the rest of the story sets up. So with that said, I think this is worth reading.
What I learned: This script is a great reminder of the power of obstacles. When you set your hero off to achieve his goal, you want to put as many obstacles in front of him as possible. Those obstacles create conflict, which in turn creates drama, which in turn creates entertainment. NASA engineers refuse to talk to Feynman. The rest of the committee refuses to help Feynman. Feynman’s not allowed to look at the wreckage. Rogers is constantly trying to kick him off the investigation. His findings are stolen from his hotel. That’s the great thing about setting up a big clear goal, is that you get to throw a ton of obstacles in your hero’s way.